Not loosing

So I have been on MPF since late March, I was able to loose 21 pounds 1200 cal a day work out 5-6 days a week, mainly cardio since I have a shoulder injury that has taken a long time to heal. My BMR is 1569 and my tddee is 2425. When I do my cardio I am reaching my target heart rate, please feel free to view my food diary. I havent been able to loose anymore weight...what am I doing wrong?


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Now that you've lost 21 pounds, you're a different person. Go back through the goal setup. I find that it takes away a few calories for every pound I lose.

    If your BMR is 1569, why have you set such a low calorie goal? With a TDEE of 2425, you should be able to support a daily intake of 1425 and still lose weight at 2 pounds a week. Your metabolism may be simply slowing down to accommodate for your reduced calorie intake. I've found under-eating is a really unpleasant way to lose weight and takes a long time.

    You may have to "up" your cardio to keep going. And make sure you are logging that and eating it back, because your calorie intake is already low enough.