
Hi, everyone!

Have you guys all seen this website? I'm finding it really helpful and motivational. I'm also using it to upload pictures of my progress at different weights so that I can look back on them and so that other people can see them too. Looking at people of similar height and body shape to me at various weights is really helping me to visualize my goals for myself!

I just thought I'd share it with you all :) You should upload your pictures! The more shots on there, the better idea a person can get about what their goals for themselves might look like. It's free to register and, while they offer you subscription to their newsletter, you can always opt out.

The site says: The My Body Gallery project needs real women! We need your help to develop the project and build a collection of photos that will help more women see themselves more clearly. Upload a picture of your full body. Our photo submission process also allows you to block out part of the image to protect your identity, if you wish.

Whatcha think?

xx, Mimi


  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    I think MyBodyGallery is the perfect antidote to body dysmorphia!!!

    I can look at people of same height and weight and ALL of them look different! There are some people who even look Skinny at my weight.

    Just goes to show ya that we're all different!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    It's great, but I hate how it only has 10 pound increments because I'm in between. But yeah it's fun to check out.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I looked at it, and I believe some of them are lying about sized they wear. Sorry but when you are a big busted woman, how can you wear a size small? I must me shopping at the wrong store. It is hard for me to find someone that looks like me because the sized I put in on weight I get one match. :( Although that one person does seem to be accurate about her stats, she is just way more muscular than me. I guess I know what I will look like when I start toning. :)
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    Options is also pretty awesome.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I tried but it doesn't look at all accurate. It's much too flattering at my top weight (I couldn't be that weight without fat rolls, but the simulator has me looking perfectly smooth!), and it makes me look too slim at my bottom weight. It makes my current weight look perfect, even though I'm still well into the obese range.

    Thank you for the links - they are fun!
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    It was very flattering for my top weight too (current weight), but I'm still in slight denial about how chubby I've got, so was quite pleased by it!