The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back....



  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself from summer and realising I looked middle aged because I was overweight.

    That summer I was in Taiwan and was about 60 pounds heavier than the average girl there. That hadn't bothered me the past couple times I had been there, but I was smaller then.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I've always been and off and on "workout" type. I love to lift weights and it makes me feel sexy. Hell, I always feel sexy. My husband loves me and makes me feel beautiful.
    I'd seen the TF video commercials and decided to order. I also got ChaLean Extreme.
    Who needs pics? Who needs measurements? I'd lost 10lbs and knew that being 5'2 and UNDER 150 was "ok." Size 9/10 pants AREN'T really that big...right?
    If I wear this shirt under this shirt my tummy doesn't look as poochy...
    I did a few days of TF and hated it. Then I decided I would do ChaLean. AND i thought, "may as well do pictures."

    HOLY COW! that was a slap in the face. In my head I was as sexy as I had ever been. But in the pictures? That couldn't be me.

    So that day, Feb 16 (2012) was the day I decided never again.

    My cousin is on MFP and I decided maybe it could help me too.

    I know I'm not finished, but I definately feel even sexier now than ever. Look at these biceps!! :)
  • belindaroger
    Wow, I guess it was going to the doc not feeling good, getting the test back that said i was prediabetic.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    Back in March of this year my 33 y.o. husband had his annual physical. His blood pressure at that appointment was 139/80 (which is high-normal and considered prehypertensive). His doctor told him he needed to lose 10 lbs, quit smoking and drinking so much Dr. Pepper and get his blood pressure under control or else they'd have to put him on meds in a year or less. My own personal family has a strong history of diabetes and high blood pressure as well, so I did what I do best and looked for ways to lower his BP w/o meds. I found the DASH (Dietary Approaches for Stopping Hypertension) diet and we hopped on the wagon as a family.

    Initially we made the lifestyle change for my husband's health (who coincidentally isn't participating in the change!). But after the first few weeks (and a hard fall off the wagon) I realized how much better I felt with the changes. I wasn't as cranky or grouchy with the kids, I had more energy...I felt alive again. I started exercising 2 weeks ago on a whim and haven't stopped since.
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    For me, it was a few things that happened all about the same time:

    1. We got our engagement photos back that were taken a few months ago. I looked at the photos and all I could focus on was how fat I looked in the pictures and not how happy my fiance and I were. I do not want that same feeling when I look at our wedding pictures.

    2. I read an article about a study that was done that links a mother's obesity to higher rates of autism in children. Scared the crap out of me, as we're planning to have kids not long after the wedding.

    3. Got the call that my wedding dress will be in in 2 weeks- that was the final kick in the butt to get moving and make a change!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I realized after I finally figured out that I had stopped feeling any emotion and I was no longer living for myself. I was living for someone else. I knew then that on the inside I was broken and I had to fix that. The only way to fix what was broken on the inside was to find who I was...or maybe who I never was able to become. When I was happy with the outside I knew that eventually I could find myself on the inside.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Did I kill this thread?
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Not being able to slip on my size 8 jeans, never being able to slip into a bikini, looking at old pics and regretting how much I actually let myself go
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    I actually had a couple of straws.
    1) Last time I went to the doctor, she said my weight was continuing to creep up and I needed to do something about it.
    2) Taking a cruise mext month for our 25th wedding anniversary - I want to at least be able to wear my swim suit without being completely embarassed to take off my shirt
    3) I looked at recent pictures of myself and I completely filling out the shirts I was wearing, and I looked HUGE... that was it, now down 20 lbs - 1/3 of my goal!! :smile:
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I was unhappy. Unhappy for a lot of reasons - people in life letting me down and so forth. But then I realized I can't rely on other things or people for my core happiness. I have to be happy with myself, first. Everything else should be icing on the cake, so to speak. But happiness with myself is the true secret to being really happy, deep down. And I knew that the root of most of the negative feelings I have about myself start with my weight.

    I decided that I want to be happy.
  • dithoma
    dithoma Posts: 31
    I woke up for work on Monday morning, got dressed and put on a pair of pant that were beyond tight. I wore them all day kind of as punishment. I felt like i was going be severed right in half all day. That was less then 2 month ago. I put those same pants on today to see how they fit, and they do !!!!!!!!!! They dont fit perfect yet but since i did not weigh myself at the beggining it really is the only mesurements that i can see my results so far woot woot
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    A couple of things:

    I went to the doctor (for a nasty respiratory infection I couldn't kick) and the scale said 190 - whoa!
    I got a good look at my *kitten* in a picture someone had taken at a party - again, whoa!
    Most importantly, I finally decided to take control of my life away from those that were hurting me most - it's all about me now and I really, really want this.