Weight loss without eating right?



    Yes you can lose by portion control and exercise. I didn't really believe this until I saw a coworker losing weight and asked her how she did it and she said she eats 1/2 of what she would normally eat and so I started using MFP and doing just that and exercise and it took a little while to start actually seeing or feeling the weight lose but I am on my way. Although after a while of just watching your portions you will be surprised at how you will make healthier choices, believe me you will, I did and do. I love using MFP because I can keep up with calories way better and how many calories are burned with my exercises.
  • DoingthisforChris
    Let me start off by saying congratulations on your decision to really kick your weight loss goals into gear! The hardest step is always the first one, but I'm sure once you begin to habituate yourself to new habits you'll find its actually quite enjoyable.

    Your concerns with limiting portions and sugary drinks is an excellent first step to take. There is a major difference between the idea of weight loss and getting ripped. For something like getting perfect 6 pack abs, there may be specific foods you have to avoid. When doing general weight loss, portion and calorie control are usually more important as well as trying to make slightly better eating decisions when available. The sugary drinks aspect is a big one that you'll see great results from giving up. However, there are several really healthy recipes that you would never know were healthy based on the taste. My facebook page is actually doing a focus on healthy recipes this week, so if you're interested I'll post it at the bottom of this post. So far, I've covered Pizza, Pancakes, side salads, and today I posted a recipe for a Steak Sandwich!


    Thank you for linking your facebook page, Im in there :wink: