No Scale Challenge (open group)



  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    I lost 3.5 inches overall and my body fat percentage dropped by 0.9%!!!! I am like in total shock right now!!!
  • Well done. I am very pleased for you. :)
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I'm going to re-measure tomorrow morning, although I'm not sure I'm going to see a huge drop in measurements. I've been upping my weights and calories, so I think everything is kinda shifting around at this point...if that makes sense :)
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Great job everyone - I am sure our muscles are just adjusting. Hopefully, next week, we all see a change. Keep it up!!!
  • heduell
    heduell Posts: 13
    Okay, here we go!

    Bust 36 1/2 inches down 1/2 inch

    Waist 34 inches down 2 inches

    Hips 41 inches up 1/2 inch?

    Thighs 25 inches stayed the same

    Butt 43 inches stayed the same

    Arms 11 1/2 inches stayed the same

    Over all body fat is 36.8% (my scale measured a 3% less when I started this challenge so I'm gonna start with the 36.8% and go from there from now on. So all in all I have dropped 2 inches! Yay me!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Hello. How is everyone doing on the no scale challenge? I have still not stepped on the scale. I am struggling big time with my eating do to TOM being due in 2 days - I feel all bloated and just blah. Still doing the best I can to get past this crappy feeling. It doesn't help that my son is now sick, and he doesn't sleep well. I did hit the gym today for about an hr - not as good of a burn as usual for me but better than nothing. Hopefully, I am not too exhausted to hit it again tomorrow - will just depend on my son. Have a great weekend everyone and check-in when you can.
  • I have caught my little ones flu thing and being asthmatic it has found my lungs. I am in bed unable to move for wheezing but on antibiotics and painkiller combinations overlapping to control the pain. Upside. I have no urge to weigh myself and don't care about my TOM coming. Yesterday I ate more to feed my body through the shivering, temperature etc. related or not I feel worse today. Thought of food is terrible. No idea how to eat enough. Still I am so glad you formed this group because I am really happy without the scale and so much more relaxed. Will drink lots and eat more tomorrow. My dad is a nurse and he says food is a real strain on your body when it is ill, so go with how you feel.
    Might lose body fat might gain extra no idea and don't care right now. Measuring on Friday. Keep up the exercise for me. Will join you again soon.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Ok here's my new measurements, not much of a change in two weeks, but getting there.

    Neck: 13.0
    Waist: 32.5
    Hips: 36.0
    Bust: 35.5
    Waist at narrowest point: 29.0
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    I am soo late joining this - but Ive been following MFP and going to WW for meetings and weigh ins.. today I weighed and I was annoyed that IM up 1.2# from last week despite my daily grind in the gym( 30+ mins cardio and some strength training) for the past few weeks. I have been bakc on MFP for 30 + days and diligent about following my calories allowance, though I did discover eating more to weigh less whichI believe though Im trying Im still scared of the aftermath, but today's not so great feeling about the scale posed a real threat to thwart my weightloss efforts and I can't have that. So I think this No Weigh May is a good idea for me. Next Time I get on a scale it will be the month of June. I even 'hid' the scale in my house last night.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Never to late to join - welcome aboard. We will be checking our measurements on Friday and check-in. Just keep the scale away until June 11. When you figure out your measurements, use the website on page 1 to figure out your body fat %.
  • MicheleTh
    MicheleTh Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe this will help me since the scale doesn't budge.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Well, I am going to be out of commission, but I don't know how long. I was on the leg press tonight, and I felt the muscle in my thigh pop - it burns and hurts to walk. Bending down brings extreme pain. If it feels worse tomorrow, I promised Jim I would go to the dr because it could be multiple things. This really stinks!!!! I will continue to support/encourage everyone, but I won't be able to exercise for I don't know how long. I am going to call the dr tomorrow.
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    Count me in!! :) I'm pregnant so the scales are confusing to me right now anyway.. I'm trying to tone my body and prepare for labor.. also trying to improve fitness. Doc gave me the OK since I'm already overweight and she said I can maintain my weight if I want to but to listen to my body if I felt hungry.. and to take my prenatal vitamins which I do EVERY night. :)

    However, I won't be providing my waist measurements.. :/ It's gonna go up regardless.. lol I will use my neck, arm and thigh. :)

    Starting measurements are:
    Neck - 15in.
    Arm - 13in.
    Thigh -27 and 3/4in.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Count me in!! :) I'm pregnant so the scales are confusing to me right now anyway.. I'm trying to tone my body and prepare for labor.. also trying to improve fitness. Doc gave me the OK since I'm already overweight and she said I can maintain my weight if I want to but to listen to my body if I felt hungry.. and to take my prenatal vitamins which I do EVERY night. :)

    However, I won't be providing my waist measurements.. :/ It's gonna go up regardless.. lol I will use my neck, arm and thigh. :)

    Starting measurements are:
    Neck - 15in.
    Arm - 13in.
    Thigh -27 and 3/4in.

    Welcome aboard - take it easy since you are pregnant and listen to your body. Don't overdo it because exercise is good while you are pregnant. I have 2 friends that ran their whole pregnancy and they were back to their pre-pregnancy weight in a matter of a week. If you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to post it here. I check this almost everyday. Again welcome.
  • kimmycj13
    kimmycj13 Posts: 22 Member
    I really don't think I will see a change this week in my measurements...I have only been able to workout twice :-(
  • Yeah, I have done absolutely nothing all week but rested from flu and although it is probably muscle tone that's gone I am pleased.
    Measurements neck 31, waist 71, hips 100cm down 4cm body fat 27.1 down from 29.9 three or four weeks ago.
    Also best bit: I am not moody about scale on a daily basis. It is never down enough is it and I am so impatient.
    This way I have been relaxed. Judgement day is a long way away and actually looked at my body. It changes every day better worse but I did not usually take time to notice. Hiding from the blubber. Still eating around 1650 kcal a day but TOM has unfortunately introduced muffins into my life and nougat.
    Thank you so much for starting this group it works for me and I feel happy inside. Emotional eating right down to almost nothing. I get annoyed and think no I am not going to punish them by making myself fat.
    Indigestion also much better. I want to come off my meds for that and stopping overeating is key.
    Excuse the emotional outburst but I am due any time.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Waist - 34.5

    Hips - 39.0

    Chest - 38.0

    Thigh - 21.0

    Arm - 12.0

    Neck - 13.0

    % Body Fat - 44.5

    I lost 0.5 in off my waist and arms from last week - I guess that upper body strength training is really helping. I am confused about why my body fat % has gone up since my waist is lower but I am staying truthful.
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    Body Fat %: 34.8% (-.5%)
    Neck: 12" (-0)
    Chest: 44" (-0)
    L Arm: 11" (-0)
    R Arm: 12.75" (-0)
    L Forearm: 9.75" (-.25)
    R Forearm: 10" (-.5)
    Waist: 31" (-.5)
    Hips: 43" (-0)
    L Thigh: 20.5" (-0)
    R Thigh: 21" (-0)
    L Calf: 16.5" (-0)
    R Calf: 16.5" (-.25)
    Total loss of inches from 5/18 to 5/25: 1.5"!!!
    Total loss of inches from 5/11 to 5/25: 5"!!!!
    I have also went from 36.2% body fat to 34.8%, a total loss of 1.4% body fat in 2 weeks! Not bad considering I haven't been able to exercise all week due to being sick! :D
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    How was everyone's weekend? I did great yesterday - stayed under calories but Sunday I totally blew it - I was over by 1000 calories between donuts, Olive Garden, and a cookout. Time to get serious. I am hitting the gym for some upper strength training since that is all I can do - still no cardio or lower strength for me. Have a fantastic Tuesday.
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    Starting measurements (5/23/2012)
    Neck 15"
    Arm 13"
    Thigh 27&3/4"

    Week 1 (5/30/2012)
    Neck 14&1/2"
    Arm 13"
    Thigh 26&3/4"

    *Waist measurement invalid due to pregnancy. :) I wasn't even trying to do anything and my family and I even went on a mini vacation over the weekend :) lol lots of eating out.. we went to the beach so maybe that's why I still burned some fat.. and maybe toned some muscle and lost water.. idk. :p I'm happy with the results though.