I'm Back!

I started this a few months ago when i was ready and determined to get active again, since that was my New Years Resolution and all... I was doing what I needed to do, eating better, being active, I started the couch to 5k program and 3 weeks in I had to quit because of ingrown toenails (ew). I went to the doctor and he didn't want to do surgery, he thought that it was best to just let them grow out, but that it would be VERY painful. Anyways, It's been about 2 months, maybe a little longer... and I am getting in gear and getting ready to start up again! I will be starting with the couch to 5k program so any suggestions there would be awesome! Any other tips or anything really, feel free to add! I could use all the help, encouragement and motivation I can get!


  • hortshop
    hortshop Posts: 2
    Hi Jess. I'm wondering what is the couch to 5K program?
  • kimchi84
    kimchi84 Posts: 56
    welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i have ingrown nails too and hated it, but my sister is a nail tech so she showed me how to trim the side every 2 weeks sometime i can go for a month without having to trim the side. The best thing for you to do is just go to the nail salon and get your toes done and have them remove the side for you. hope that helps and good luck on your journey!
  • jesslsolomon
    Hey! here's the link for it, it's a fantastic program to get back into running, it's a very slow build up that includes walking and running, but it's geared to those who are pretty much couch potatoes or don't really run at all...
  • jesslsolomon
    I did do that once and the thing is that it kept coming back! So I wanted it to be fixed for good so the doctor told me to just let it grow out so that the full nail wasn't under any of the skin, and then shape them after that. I had NO idea little pieces of nail could be soooo painful!
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    I am starting C25K on Sunday and will RUN a 5K on August 25th. Add me if you would like!
  • jesslsolomon
    I am starting C25K on Sunday and will RUN a 5K on August 25th. Add me if you would like!

    added! and good luck! There are so many cool 5k runs out there now! The Run for your lives ones, the color runs... they are all things I want to do within a year!