
Hello Everyone,

Well this is very new for me, I'm usually a very, very private person and would never post on a message board to people I don't even know, much less about weight, I don't even talk about this to people I DO know, LOL ...... but I decided it was time to start something "new".

I was always "small" that is, until my children came along. LOL :laugh: . I can't blame them, I just became less focused on me. They are now 18 and 14 both doing well and I've had time to really look in the mirror. I barley recognized myself! So, I decided since I have the BIG birthday coming up (40) :sad: it was time to find "me" again.

For a long time I've been avoiding cameras and such and realized I have no pictures of myself with my children at any important family functions for the last few years (including my daughters graduation). So I've set some goals:

1) Get serious and lose enough weight so I can feel OK in front of a camera again for my 40th birthday (and the holidays)
2) Reach my "goal weight" and maintain it
3) in 3 years both my kids graduate (high school and college)....and I will take pictures with them!

Ultimately, I think this is just going to be a journey of learning to feel good about myself and being good to myself again. So....here I go.

Wow, I didn't think I would feel emotional writing this! LOL....:laugh:


  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Welcome! It sounds like you have some awesome goals!
  • soph501
    soph501 Posts: 47 Member
    Good luck :) You have some great goals. I'm sure you will find lots of support and motivation on these boards.
  • iispaisley
    iispaisley Posts: 3
    Thank you! Here goes nothin'! LOL:happy:
  • iispaisley
    iispaisley Posts: 3
    I hope so...that's why I decided to join here. Someplace where I could feel safe and see other people are going through it too. :smile:
  • I think this site will help you reach your goals! It helps me ;-) Good luck!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    You have taken a great first step and set realistic goals. You have joined a great community that will be as helpful as you let it. Add me as a friend. I also do not let myself be photographed or if I cant get out of it I hide behind someone. I was going to add best of luck but it's not luck its hard work...with a great healthy payout!