appetite control help



  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    PROTEIN, baby!!! protein and fiber are the skinny girls secrets!! eat protein at breakfast time!

    and water!! always keep a full water bottle

    sugarless gum can help too.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    drink more water. eat more fiber. eat more protein (especially in the morning).

    and drink more water.

    seriously many times you mistake hunger pangs for thirst pangs. eating a protein packed breakfast will help curb hunger throughout the day as well. there really isnt any "miracle" supplement to control hunger.

    sounds good give me an example for a protein breakfast i eat carbs for breakfast and lunch also! and that needs to stop
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Maybe your calorie goal is too low?

    What is it set at? I think on your profile it said you only need to lose 10lbs, ideally you should have your goal set to lost .5/week.

    That being said, I will echo what other people have said:

    more lean protein, more fiber, more water.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Every time I tried to diet before, I dropped to 1200 calories instantly, I was always hungry then cranky then I would quit after a few weeks. When I started researching mostly from finding threads like this on the boards, I realized that I was eating too little. I changed my settings on here to eat just above my BMR. I also ate back most of my exercise calories if I was hungry, if I wasn't, then I didn't eat them. I have lost 1 or more pounds a week since I start in mid Feb, I am to the point now that I am almost to my goal so I am slowly upping my calories until I am at my goal and on maintence, I am not saying this will work for you but you can give it a try. to figure out your BMR and TDEE.

    I have my settings at 40% carbs, 30 protein and 30 fat. I agree that higher protein and fiber help me stay fuller.

    Good luck!
  • shelitajohnson
    shelitajohnson Posts: 3 Member
    What types of foods are you eating? I hear certain foods make you feel fuller longer. I think Dr. Oz has something on his website that talks about this. Good luck to ya!