responsible BMI for a middle age lady lol xx

hi there I am looking for some target weight advise, I'm a 44 year old female and I have never been at target weight before . I want to feel healthy and look good without looking older than I feel lol ! what do you all think is a reasonable BMI to aim for ? xx


  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 36 and have a BMI of 29% right now, which is acceptable, but I want to be around 23%. A decent goal for you would be 26-28%, but even up to 32% should be fine.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Why not aim for a BMI of 24.5-25, which is at the upper end of normal, and then see how you feel when you get there?
    I'm 38 and getting down to a healthy BMI was my initial goal (original BMI 28) - but I'm quite small-boned and felt that I still had weight to lose. By then I'd taken up running and the exercise really helped me to keep losing weight and eat fairly normally. I'm now pretty much stable at a BMI of 21.5ish (UK size 10).
  • bbooop
    bbooop Posts: 20
    hi chantelle thank you for reply . 23 is the absolute minimum I was thinking of aiming for although I wont know until I get near this if it may be 2 low or not . at the moment my BMI is 27.5 and the lowest it has been is 23.5 . I was not happy at 23.5 but that was a lot of years ago when I was a lot younger and untoned ! I try to keep myself fit and toned these days so I imagine a BMI of 23.5 would be so much different now xxx
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 56 and my BMI is 23. I'm pretty small boned, too, so I'm aiming for closer to 20. I think you'll know when you get there. :)