Little kids make me laugh...



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Oh boy. . I shouldn't tell this story.. I really shouldn't. .but I've been bottling it up and I HAVE to tell it!

    So my kid sometimes requires me to squat in front of the toilet while he's on it and he lays his head down on my knees. . .don't ask. .

    Anyway, he's laying down on my knees and he says "I like yours better, because when mommy does it, my head goes down there and I smell something weird. ."

    Of course I almost choked to death at this point but I manage to say: "Oh really Russell, what does it smell like?". .

    "I dunno. . Dead Squirrels?"

    (don't worry, we're already divorced ) ;))

    Bahahahaha! *gasp* Bahahahaha*gasp*Bahahahaha!
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I've shared this before with some of my mfp friends kids are definitely a blessing in humor.
    When my middle daughter was 3 and a half I was pregnant with my son, she had noticed that my belly was getting big so I explained to her that there's a baby growing inside and one day it will be a baby sister or brother for her to help love. From that day forward she would always hug my belly goodnight, give it a kiss and yell "I LOVE YOU BABY!!" Cutest thing ever right? day we're in the grocery checkout line and out of nowhere my daughter squeezes the big butt of the lady in front of us, gives it a kiss, places two hands together and yells into her butt "I LOVE YOU BABY!"

    I know what's going on in her head but nobody else in the checkout line does, mortified I pick up my daughter while tryong not to burst out in laughter and tell her "We don't do that to people we don't know" people are now looking at me wondering exactly what is considered family entertainment in my house when my daughter says in her very loud very cute 3 year old voice "but she's got a baby in her butt! And I love that baby momma!" ....

    OMG - I can't stop laughing at this. I honestly have tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard... Thank you so much for the comic relief... I've have some funny stories about my own kids, but this is by far the funniest thing I've heard in a long, long time.