
So I've been seeing Chia seed stories pop up everywhere lately. On the news, on my pod cast, magazines, TV talk shows, SO WHAT IS UP WITH THIS SUPER FOOD?? Anyone try it? Stop hunger, quiet cravings for food, improve digestion, give you the energy to be active, balance blood sugar, and help restore the omega-3 balance, lowers bad cholesterol, highers the good, super antioxiden, high in fiber, SUPER FOOD and just 60 calories in a table spoon. That table spoon has 5g of Fiber, 3g Protein and 2.5 g Omega-3. With all these facts in front of me.... I HAVE TO TRY IT!

SO they say dump it in your smoothies, make pudding, breads, toss it in stir fry... the uses are endless. My plan? Since I've been eating my slow cooked oat meal every day for 90 days, I'm going to make a "Chia pudding" from almond milk and Chia to pour over my oat meal in the mornings. I'm about to have the super morning breakfast!

I picked up two pound bags for about 15.00 from the store (organic). I'm looking for more fun additives like this to help my health.. and suggestions welcome. We will see the results and see if I will continue. I went to pinterest and found lots of fun uses. I just ate some dry, not to bad.

Anyone with experience or other reviews, please post! or even other super foods I need please post! Having my blood work done in 90 days, will see if this change will work.

About to dump two table spoons into two cups of almond milk to make a pudding (it has a thickening agent) let it hang in the frig for over night in a bottle and topping my oatmeal with it in the am. Baby steps to moving me to a full out health freak.. Hippy, freedom to live the lifestyle :P


  • tigerlily_82
    tigerlily_82 Posts: 41 Member
    I just started using them this week, too. So far I've found that they go well in pretty much anything. They don't add much of a significant flavor but I love the texture of them. Let me know how your pudding comes out :)
  • happyfrogg
    happyfrogg Posts: 86 Member
    I really like chia seeds-- they get a neat tapioca / jelly texture around them when they soak up a bit of liquid. I could understand how that might be a turn off to some people but I really enjoy it. I add chia seeds to refrigerator oatmeal jars (recipe: ) and I stir them in to smoothies. I don't blend them in the smoothies because they get ground up and lose their gel texture.