Does it matter WHEN you eat your exercise calories?

DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
I am not really a day time eater and because I work out in the evenings and I'm never hungry after a workout, I have a hard time eating enough calories on my workout days. But then I'm super hungry the next day and I tend to eat a lot more.

So if I eat my exercise calories the next day, is it basically the same thing?


  • Hayley7611
    Hayley7611 Posts: 20
    Not sure, but I would recommend the day of! :)
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    You're super hungry the next day because you didn't fuel it properly the day before. I went through the same thing when I first started working out because I also work out at night and wouldn't pre-eat the calories and then didn't want to chow down so late at night.

    But once I started eating more during the day, before my workout at night, I felt better in general from day to day. You'll likely also start to feel more tired from keeping this pattern as well.

    So my recommendation is to eat the calories your body needs for the work it's doing that day. You'll feel a lot better overall. Plus it'll keep you honest on your workouts. There have been a few times I really wanted to slack off and not work out, but I'd already eaten my calories so I still did my workout. :)