
So I was taking a look on the Eat More to Weigh Less group, and it had this calculator site:

and based on the information I put in, it gave me this:

Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1480

Daily Calories to Maintain Weight (TDEE): 2035

Daily Calories based on Goal in Step 6: 1729 many calories should I be eating daily, then? 1729? or 1480? I'm confused...I just want a reasonable number I can stick to and not feel like I'm starving.


  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    according to the info your provided 1480 are the calories you need just to keep your body sustained at rest. theoretically, you will burn more calories because you are active throughout the day, not just laying around burning only 1480.

    For some people eating more to lose really works and for others, like me, it doesn't, I've gained applying that philosophy. Give it a try for a few weeks (it takes at least 2 to get a realistic idea if it works for you) and if it doesn't try something else until you hit upon what does work. I've hard to use many different approaches in my journey thus far.

    because you're battling hunger issues, you might want to look into calorie cycling. That usually tends to help with that because you can really satisfy your body some days, then go into a deficit others. it helps a lot. Also make sure you are drinking lots and lots and lots of water, especially with meals. Like 10 or more 8 oz glasses a day. Take your weight and multiply by 2, that's the # of ounces of water you need a day. I know, that's a lot! :)
  • xhereinmyheadx
    xhereinmyheadx Posts: 39 Member
    So 1480 is what I should be eating then? All these different numbers are driving me crazy, lol.
  • kenmunson333
    kenmunson333 Posts: 51 Member
    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day. Men can typically get away with around 2000 calories/day. A BMR calculator shows how much you need just to maintain the weight you are currently at. To lose weight, eat fewer calories. Of course it's best to eat the best calories. If you want to lose weight keep carbs down to a minimum. This will force your body to consume the stored energy in fat which is how you lose the weught. Hope this helps.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    So I was taking a look on the Eat More to Weigh Less group, and it had this calculator site:

    and based on the information I put in, it gave me this:

    Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1480

    Daily Calories to Maintain Weight (TDEE): 2035

    Daily Calories based on Goal in Step 6: 1729 many calories should I be eating daily, then? 1729? or 1480? I'm confused...I just want a reasonable number I can stick to and not feel like I'm starving.

    Eat 2035 to maintain your current weight.

    Eat 1729 to lose weight but not feel like you're starving.

    Eat 1480 to sustain your body and take in the minimal amount of calories required by your bodily functions. (not recommended)

    And please do not listen to people that say that "normal" women need only 900 to 1200 calories. Nobody can or should be encouraged to sustain themselves off of such low amounts, especially when at best the 1200 is 200 below BMR.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It is saying to eat 1729 to get to your goal - so thats the number you should use.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    So I was taking a look on the Eat More to Weigh Less group, and it had this calculator site:

    and based on the information I put in, it gave me this:

    Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1480

    Daily Calories to Maintain Weight (TDEE): 2035

    Daily Calories based on Goal in Step 6: 1729 many calories should I be eating daily, then? 1729? or 1480? I'm confused...I just want a reasonable number I can stick to and not feel like I'm starving.

    Eat 2035 to maintain your current weight.

    Eat 1729 to lose weight but not feel like you're starving.

    Eat 1480 to sustain your body and take in the minimal amount of calories required by your bodily functions. (not recommended)

    And please do not listen to people that say that "normal" women need only 900 to 1200 calories. Nobody can or should be encouraged to sustain themselves off of such low amounts, especially when at best the 1200 is 200 below BMR.

    This ^^^
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day.


    Um, no. I'm at a normal weight and I need about 1800 to maintain my weight if I don't exercise. Please stop telling people to do dangerous things.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day.

    Um, no...I need 1610 to maintain my weight at least. That little food is dangerous.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day. Men can typically get away with around 2000 calories/day. A BMR calculator shows how much you need just to maintain the weight you are currently at. To lose weight, eat fewer calories. Of course it's best to eat the best calories. If you want to lose weight keep carbs down to a minimum. This will force your body to consume the stored energy in fat which is how you lose the weught. Hope this helps.

    Um, please do not listen to this. The poster below him knows what they are talking about.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day.


    Um, no. I'm at a normal weight and I need about 1800 to maintain my weight if I don't exercise. Please stop telling people to do dangerous things.

    Yup - that is one of the most ridiculous statements I have seen on here.

    I eat 1900 and lose about a 1lb a week. I am pretty "normal" - average height, weight and age.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day. Men can typically get away with around 2000 calories/day. A BMR calculator shows how much you need just to maintain the weight you are currently at. To lose weight, eat fewer calories. Of course it's best to eat the best calories. If you want to lose weight keep carbs down to a minimum. This will force your body to consume the stored energy in fat which is how you lose the weught. Hope this helps.

    Omg, I'm sorry, but wtef?, in fact, at my lightest, which was 140, I ate 2100 to maintain my weight. And I only ran a few miles, a few days a week.

    That's some WHACK info there dude, really, shouldn't peddle BS like that around here with newbies. That *kitten* is dangerous.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member

    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day. Men can typically get away with around 2000 calories/day. A BMR calculator shows how much you need just to maintain the weight you are currently at. To lose weight, eat fewer calories. Of course it's best to eat the best calories. If you want to lose weight keep carbs down to a minimum. This will force your body to consume the stored energy in fat which is how you lose the weught. Hope this helps.

    Ha! Yeah. Right. A man can eat 2000, a woman 900-1200. Don't listen to this. I eat 2000 to maintain and I'm a woman 57 years old with no job or husband to run around after. I walk for an hour five times a week.

    To the original poster. Eat that 1729. You should have no problem losing at that intake.
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    So I was taking a look on the Eat More to Weigh Less group, and it had this calculator site:

    and based on the information I put in, it gave me this:

    Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR): 1480

    Daily Calories to Maintain Weight (TDEE): 2035

    Daily Calories based on Goal in Step 6: 1729 many calories should I be eating daily, then? 1729? or 1480? I'm confused...I just want a reasonable number I can stick to and not feel like I'm starving.

    Eat 2035 to maintain your current weight.

    Eat 1729 to lose weight but not feel like you're starving.

    Eat 1480 to sustain your body and take in the minimal amount of calories required by your bodily functions. (not recommended)

    And please do not listen to people that say that "normal" women need only 900 to 1200 calories. Nobody can or should be encouraged to sustain themselves off of such low amounts, especially when at best the 1200 is 200 below BMR.

    ^^^^ this

    In general, women at "normal" weight need around 900 to 1200 calories/day. Men can typically get away with around 2000 calories/day. A BMR calculator shows how much you need just to maintain the weight you are currently at. To lose weight, eat fewer calories. Of course it's best to eat the best calories. If you want to lose weight keep carbs down to a minimum. This will force your body to consume the stored energy in fat which is how you lose the weught. Hope this helps.

    ^^^^Absolutely NOT THIS!
  • xhereinmyheadx
    xhereinmyheadx Posts: 39 Member
    Finally, answers that make sense. Thank you all so much! I will try to stick with 1729, and I'll see how it goes. I'm so sick of struggling to make it through the day with 1200-1300 calories.

    And I definitely agree that 900 is too low. Why would anyone here post that???
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    Finally, answers that make sense. Thank you all so much! I will try to stick with 1729, and I'll see how it goes. I'm so sick of struggling to make it through the day with 1200-1300 calories.

    And I definitely agree that 900 is too low. Why would anyone here post that???

    Many people post because they honestly believe they have an answer and, in my opinion, most everyone here *wants* to be helpful... Sure some are misguided... But if you read enough here you will find hose who's opinion you will give more credibility to, etc. while I've seen some very poor information circulated on MFP, generally I also see good correction ( yes some are aggressive in that correction, but most are ok). It seems that there are a lot of 'it worked for me' gurus that share their experience - the challenge is that what they indicate as necessary isn't always... So the reality is time of day eating isn't really a significant factor (if you don't like breakfast don't eat then) but many insist it is critical, likewise for high carb, complex carb, low carb... Whatever ... Stick with calories in vs calories out to start with and best of luck. I will say, and have said before, I'm not sure this would be a great community if we all just sat here and waited for an expert to answer every question - we are living this in community here... And sometimes community is messy.