leaving a full time position for contract?

DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
i'm currently employed in a traditional full time role, complete with benefits, vacation time, dental, etc. standard benefits package, 3 weeks vacation.

i am underpaid for my role. took the job a year a go knowing this but took it to develop additional experience.

the job is about 60km away (about 40 miles) and the daily commute and gas consumption are also issues. for anyone in the toronto area, i take the 401 for the majority of the trip, so the 60km trip can take up to 2 hours sometimes depending on traffic.

i am now a candidate for a position that would pay me more, is much closer (about 30km away, 18 miles), but, is a 1 year contract, so, no benefits and no guarantee of employment after. the type of experience i will develop will make me a better candidate for my ultimate dream job/company. i would not be able to develop this type of experience in my current role.

could use some help weighing the pros and cons. don't want to waste my and their time continuing with the interview process if it's not worth it.



  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Are you married? Any children?

    Personally, if I were single, I would be more likely to jump at something like that. Having a wife and 2 kids though, benefits and more stability are a must for me.
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    yes, married with one child, but, husband has benefits to cover dental, prescriptions, etc. up in canada, we have universal health care, so, doctors visits and hospital stays are covered for us anyways.

    plus, we're trying to get pregnant, so, in a year, i may be off on mat leave anyways, so, may not have to worry about looking for work right away anyways.

    i'm definitely leaning in one direction, but, want to make sure i'm not off my rocker for considering leaving.
  • Cravenamanda
    Cravenamanda Posts: 54 Member
    I would write everything down on a pro/ con list. It sometimes helps to visualize the benefits and hardships the change in position would create. Do you need the extra money and gas savings more than benefits? Can you purchase health insurance at a reasonable rate? Are you okay with job insecurity? I feel like I get stagnant in my work sometimes, so I change jobs often. Maybe change will be positive for you. Good luck!
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    thanks for the feedback, Cravenamanda.

    extra money never hurts and gas savings/less wear on the tear on the car would be great as well.

    perhaps i'll work up that list tonight with my hubby.

    any other factors to consider?