Feeling so much pressure...



  • poulingail
    poulingail Posts: 110
    Family, ya gotta love 'em.
    I've been overweight my whole life but the one time I got down to a good weight (113 lbs 5'2") for a month in my teens, I remember my Mom saying, "Just 5 more pounds and you'd be perfect." Never got there and was not eating right all day. Not quite good enough for her though. Now that I have lost 25 lbs and I'm still obese, she thinks I look great. I'm 60! finally good enough.

    Good luck in the audition. :drinker:
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I try telling them that it bothers me when they remind me to lose weight. They just say, "If you want to be successful you have to lose more weight. That's showbusiness." They're right, but it's just hard to not take personal...
    It's not showbusiness....many of my favorite actors have been/are currently larger people. To name a few, zach galifianakis(I find him very funny and also think he is a good actor) rainn Wilson (from the office, "Dwight" I think he is awesome) and will Farrell (possibly my fav actor) and yes I do like comedy best haha. But these actors and many more have not had a few pounds affect them negatively in pursuing a carrer in acting. :)

    I just want to add a few Kathleen M Brady; Marilyn Monroe; Ashley Judd.

    Ashley judd and marilyn monroe are/were fat? o.o

    This is not my claim but the claims of society and the false standards they have placed on people Marilyn was reported to be 5'-5' 1/2" measurements 35-22-36 size 16 dress and fluxuated between 115 and 140, if I remember right.
    Once again not my standards but Ashley Judd has gained weight and "bashed" upon during her current filming and airing of Missing.
    Now of course I have heard names like Kim Kardashian; Cindy Crawford; Snooki and others called "chuncky".
    Basically what I am really trying to state and have believed for a long time; society has set a false standard on what is a "healthy" weight. Heck by societial standards if you are a certain height then you should weight in a certain range. Should we not take into consideration bone structure and muscular mass?
    Sorry OP did not intend ti debate in your post.

    No, please. Debate all you want. I find this conversation interesting. I think part of the reason average sized people are seen as fat in showbiz is because the camera really does add ten lbs. I've seen celebrities in real life and they are SOOOO much skinny than you think they are. It's frightening really...

    Cameras do add pounds, but I'm guessing you're auditioning for a stage part? The stage is actually very kind to the figure, and a 8/10 (by no means 'fat', by the way!) will probably look like a 6/8 in a decent-size theatre. Add to that the amount of exercise you'll be doing with all of those dance routines, and you wouldn't want to be much smaller! My various female friends in the West End are generally no smaller than a UK 10, though very toned with it from all the dancing they do. In opera, we tend to be a bit bigger, though the 'fat lady' stereotype is diminishing. The problem is that more and more directors are coming from film/TV to the stage and don't actually understand the physical implications of that shift, and the majority of the general public ie. your Mum and sister, base their impressions of 'showbiz' on what they see on TV or at the cinema rather than in live performance. Toi toi toi for your audition, by the way!