The Final Meltdown 7.8.09

chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Here we go - Happy Wednesday!


  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    good mornink! Hope everyone is doing good today and making wise choices.

    When I got home from work last night, it was waaaaay too hot and steamy to go to the gym (I'm in Miami). Instead, I put on a movie I had Tivo-ed and started bouncing in the trampoline - before I knew it, I'd done 45 minutes! woohoo! :drinker: aaaand, I drank all my water yesterday.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    That sounds fun - how many calories is that??
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    I too had a great day yesterday. Ate within my limits and exercised, walk/edjogged, for almost 2 hours. I felt great.

    I am planning on have another great day today. Ate breakfast, packed lunch, just need to work on dinner, the most challenging meal for me.

    My kids, 4 of them, are in a parade tonight, so I'm hoping to steal at least 30 minutes tonight to go for a jog. Busy busy.

    Have a great day everyone.

    PS... still on T.O.M. but decided to weigh in this morning... water weight down 1.4 pounds from yesterday. (gain 4 pounds on TOM) TMI... sorry but just had to share.
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    2 hours! I'd DIE! Good for you :drinker:
    My bouncings showed 240 calories on my pedometer thingie.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin all
    Did 30 minutes on my bike and another 30 minute walk plus stayed under my cals :drinker:
    I don't know if I will get any workout tonight I have to get ready to lrave tomorrow to go back to yankee country to take my cousin home. Maybe I will try to mow the lawn (i have to use a push mower right now riding mower broke)

    Hope yall have a great day
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    2 hours! I'd DIE! Good for you :drinker:
    My bouncings showed 240 calories on my pedometer thingie.

    It was actually not that bad... my husband gets mad at me all the time. He thinks I'm obsessed... but you know, once I start exercising, I hate to stop.... I just want to keep going and going. I have to force myself to stop otherwise he gets very mad at me. My problem is, I just have to get my butt up and start.
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Ok, i posted this in yesterdays thread.. so here is what I meant to post here!

    Good Wednesday morning to you all!!

    Ok, so the delio is that yesterday, I went to the gym after work, rode the bike for 40 minutes, then spend 20 mins on the free weight area, working triceps. Ran home, prepped a salad and stored it for later, jumped in my car and raced back to work where I met up with a coworker (doctor) who is doing track workouts with a whole buch of teenagers who are overweight. We split up into teams which lined up in a row, started walking and passing a beach ball overhead. when the last one got the ball, he/she had to speed walk to the front of the line and start over. We had most of the kids (and many of their parents) stick with it for a full mile (this is a great accomplishment for many of these kids!). I jogged around the track an extra half mile, handing out water. Yay cardio Tuesdays!

    This morning (3am), I got up and walked my dog for 2 miles. No jogging, which is a goal... my hips were feeling wobly this morning after the biking and jogging yesterday~ I will hit the gym after work again for 45 mins of cardio and 20 mins of weights (hamstrings).

    Good luck in your goals today!

  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Didn't do to well yesterday.
    I went over on my calories and didn't exercise. I only went over on calories because I ate BEFORE I realized that I wasn't going to work out, so I was eating my exercise calories that I didn't even earn. OOOPS! I was just sooooooooooo exhausted yesterday for some reason. I was starting my workout when my husband came home and I told him I just didn't feel like working out and he said "So don't" and well I didn't. Now I feel awful about it!!! I will work out extra hard tonight. I feel much better and somewhat energized today.

    Stay healthy everyone!!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member

    I am so extremely happy....since I started the program this is what i've done....

    -quit biting my fingernails
    -no soda
    -lost 13.4 pounds

    I am SO proud!:love::tongue: :bigsmile:
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Didn't get my walking in this morning.......but I think I walked at least 4 miles
    at the traffic collision scene last nite!! Tired least I didn't go out
    with the guys to Denny's at 2am and fill up with carbs/fat!

    Did good yesterday, stuck with what I packed. Today may be difficult, I'm tired
    and will probably want some carbs this afternoon.

    Chrissy...great gob on finishing couch to 5k!!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi there Guys

    OK so this is my first post :wink:

    So far I have lost 15lbs I was doing really well and last week I went up 0.8lbs ... I was so pissed off that the last few days I went completely off the rails :grumble: I'm hoping that by Fri I will have either stayed the same or lost but I am doubtful :noway:

    I woke up this morning and did a 30 min workout on the treadmill so I am trying to stay positve and I plan to get in the 30 day Shred later tonight and if the weather stays dry will also get my girls out for a nice long walk ... They are my motivation for my walking :heart: :heart:

    I am trying to drink water but usually only get in about 2/3 glasses in a day which needs to be improved on :blushing:

    Lastly I have a quick question ... How soon after you eat do you workout or do you eat afterwards?
    FINALLY4ME Posts: 643
    okay so yesterday was a bust:grumble: ....started out good:happy: ...ended badly:devil:

    I blame uncle passed away over the weekend and the wake etc...dealing w/ an irate hubby over other its super busy fiscal year end...and probably the worst of it is my son who is on the autism spectrum starts a new school tomorrow and I have been having nightmares about it for weeks.....:sad: I know it will all work out....but man I let myself get all worked up and I am NOT one of those lucky people who DONT eat when they are stressed....I do the opposite and choose unwisely......:ohwell:

    but today is another the funeral get together I ate sensibly and NO desserts! yay me!:drinker:

    I did lots of walking because I took the train in....40 mins so far today....and took lots of stairs.....two trainstations and at work 6 that's something for the water part...time to fill up and take deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths....serenity now!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :wink:

    proud of all of bad day does not a total wash make!:drinker:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    OMG Chrissy I am so proud od you.
    You are my inspiration to start it again and stick to it.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    okay so yesterday was a bust:grumble: ....started out good:happy: ...ended badly:devil:

    I blame uncle passed away over the weekend and the wake etc...dealing w/ an irate hubby over other its super busy fiscal year end...and probably the worst of it is my son who is on the autism spectrum starts a new school tomorrow and I have been having nightmares about it for weeks.....:sad: I know it will all work out....but man I let myself get all worked up and I am NOT one of those lucky people who DONT eat when they are stressed....I do the opposite and choose unwisely......:ohwell:

    but today is another the funeral get together I ate sensibly and NO desserts! yay me!:drinker:

    I did lots of walking because I took the train in....40 mins so far today....and took lots of stairs.....two trainstations and at work 6 that's something for the water part...time to fill up and take deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths....serenity now!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :wink:

    proud of all of bad day does not a total wash make!:drinker:

    A great workout is my best way to relieve stress....hope things look up for you - sending you some :heart: :heart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    OMG Chrissy I am so proud od you.
    You are my inspiration to start it again and stick to it.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    If I can do it - YOU can too! Thanks!
  • :wink: Hi everyone my name is carisa I"m new..just joined today..outa shape..overweight..tryin to get a healthier me..anywho..i found this and i think it's awesome...i write down what and how much i exercise everyday but i didnt realize calorie intake was soo important..i love to eat..but i eat pretty healthy..i hope this site helps my journey..well ttyl..going to do sum yoga..i love yoga ciao:wink:
    FINALLY4ME Posts: 643
    :wink: Hi everyone my name is carisa I"m new..just joined today..outa shape..overweight..tryin to get a healthier me..anywho..i found this and i think it's awesome...i write down what and how much i exercise everyday but i didnt realize calorie intake was soo important..i love to eat..but i eat pretty healthy..i hope this site helps my journey..well ttyl..going to do sum yoga..i love yoga ciao:wink:

    welcome! yoga is great! enjoy!:drinker:
    FINALLY4ME Posts: 643
    okay so yesterday was a bust:grumble: ....started out good:happy: ...ended badly:devil:

    I blame uncle passed away over the weekend and the wake etc...dealing w/ an irate hubby over other its super busy fiscal year end...and probably the worst of it is my son who is on the autism spectrum starts a new school tomorrow and I have been having nightmares about it for weeks.....:sad: I know it will all work out....but man I let myself get all worked up and I am NOT one of those lucky people who DONT eat when they are stressed....I do the opposite and choose unwisely......:ohwell:

    but today is another the funeral get together I ate sensibly and NO desserts! yay me!:drinker:

    I did lots of walking because I took the train in....40 mins so far today....and took lots of stairs.....two trainstations and at work 6 that's something for the water part...time to fill up and take deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths....serenity now!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :wink:

    proud of all of bad day does not a total wash make!:drinker:

    A great workout is my best way to relieve stress....hope things look up for you - sending you some :heart: :heart:

    FINALLY4ME Posts: 643
    Hi there Guys

    OK so this is my first post :wink:

    So far I have lost 15lbs I was doing really well and last week I went up 0.8lbs ... I was so pissed off that the last few days I went completely off the rails :grumble: I'm hoping that by Fri I will have either stayed the same or lost but I am doubtful :noway:

    I woke up this morning and did a 30 min workout on the treadmill so I am trying to stay positve and I plan to get in the 30 day Shred later tonight and if the weather stays dry will also get my girls out for a nice long walk ... They are my motivation for my walking :heart: :heart:

    I am trying to drink water but usually only get in about 2/3 glasses in a day which needs to be improved on :blushing:

    Lastly I have a quick question ... How soon after you eat do you workout or do you eat afterwards?

    I think you're doing great....don't worry if you have a few hiccups on the way....I sure did here's to better days....

    as for the when do I eat .....if its first thing in the am run, (my fav) I eat after my run....I usually have to have my coffee to wake up, I do and then wait a bit...sip some water....and then go running....come home and eat ...but if its during the day or later....I usually eat a little something like protien or nuts and then workout and then will eat after if I'm hungry....I find for me that working out on a full or semi full belly makes me sluggish so I try not to.....good luck!:flowerforyou:
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