How the Hell?

So... doctor put me on no carbs after lunch, or as low as possible without starving myself. I followed it really well apart from one night out. I've increased my calories and exercise regime... Been trying so hard and the then I think, I'll weigh in today, it's been a while! They say i've put 2 lbs on!!!!!! How???? Is this ever going to work, it's almost 2 months since I lost any weight, so fed up, don't really feel like carrying on with this anymore :cry:


  • kissableki
    kissableki Posts: 6
    I totally can understand you frustration I feel like that quite often but the thing that keeps me going is I know that this is a lifestyle so you can't give up. Just take baby steps and play around with your exercise regimen and also drink more water, i'm sure you'll see results soon ;)
  • stacie48
    stacie48 Posts: 63 Member
    Try increasing your protein intake. Your carbs for the past two weeks have been over 100g if mot 150g and your protein. Is way lower. Try to keep your carbs under 100g and your protein as close to 150g as you can. You body beds protein to rebuild after working out
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    just hang in there and don't give up yet! Play around with your plan and find something that works for you, people lose weight on here and you will too, just don't give up.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I am convinced that the high frutose sugars in processed food has been my sabotauge..I started tracking my sugar and found in certain things(Bread in particular) has hi frutose sugar,certain mayos crackers, etc. I started using Aunt Millies whole grain light bread, it has no high frutose sugar in it at 35 cal a slice..its not bad. I have been reading labels and even in some cans of green beans there was 2 grams of sugar! I found I was going over almost every day ,so hopefully, by cutting this part down, doing less processed, more fresh. green beans etc, I will start seeing a downward movement. Itds worth a try.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    Are you weighing yourself after you wake up? If you are weighing yourself after workouts, or at different times of the day, then you won't get a consistent reading.
    Also, if you have recently bumped up your exercise routine, it could just be water weight. :)
  • tinawharrison
    tinawharrison Posts: 123
    Are you weighing yourself after you wake up? If you are weighing yourself after workouts, or at different times of the day, then you won't get a consistent reading.
    Also, if you have recently bumped up your exercise routine, it could just be water weight. :)

    I weigh myself once i've woken up, same clothes, same place... This has been going on since the end of March... So fed up :sad:
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    You and me both Tina, been static since end of Feb :sad:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Its overall calorie intake, not carbs that determines fat gain.

    As for 2lb, so what? The reality is weight will ebb and flow due to levels of dietry carbs, salts, training, hormones etc. 2lb may well be #1 or #2'd out within hours.

    Over night my body weight fluctuates 3-7lb personally. After a heavy cheat meal on a Saturday, I can gain 14lb and lose 16lb by the next Friday. Swings and round abouts :)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Have you been watching your sodium as well?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    doctor put me on no carbs after lunch, or as low as possible without starving myself.

    For what purpose - just weight loss ? Your daily carbs wander around from 100 to 200 grams so I would think controlling them tighter might be more useful than worrying about the time of day you eat them.

    Keep an eye on the total calories too, low carb foods are usually higher in fat so portion control may be required.
  • Jemspotato
    Jemspotato Posts: 1
    I've only just started on this website bit I've been losing weight for a while. A few months in I had the exact same thing, went and saw a nutritionist and they said I had hit a plateau. Basically your body gets used to the diet/exercise and adapts to it. Rule of reversibility and all that jazz. My suggestion is to try zig zagging - higher calory/food intake one day, lower the next. Same applies to exercise, carbs or whatever you're doing. Hope this helps!!
  • tinawharrison
    tinawharrison Posts: 123
    Its overall calorie intake, not carbs that determines fat gain.

    As for 2lb, so what? The reality is weight will ebb and flow due to levels of dietry carbs, salts, training, hormones etc. 2lb may well be #1 or #2'd out within hours.

    Over night my body weight fluctuates 3-7lb personally. After a heavy cheat meal on a Saturday, I can gain 14lb and lose 16lb by the next Friday. Swings and round abouts :)

    I get what you say completely, but it'd be nice to be fluctuating elsewhere after 8 weeks of hard work... i don't mind putting a bit on, losing it again, as long as the general trend is downwards :ohwell:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Agreed. I presume, in general, this is happening?
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    if you upped your exercise, it is very possible that those 2lbs are lean muscle! Which will burn more fat for you :-D
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    So... doctor put me on no carbs after lunch

    What kind of doctor?
  • tinawharrison
    tinawharrison Posts: 123
    Agreed. I presume, in general, this is happening?

    not for the last 6-7 weeks :noway:
  • tinawharrison
    tinawharrison Posts: 123
    So... doctor put me on no carbs after lunch

    What kind of doctor?

    My GP
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    why did he do this?

    Do you have blood sugar issues?

    If not, find a new GP and continue eating carbs.
    Lowering carbs defnitely helps with weight loss, but the whole "no carbs after x" holds no scientific value.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So... doctor put me on no carbs after lunch

    What kind of doctor?

    My GP

    Since you're going through the effort of going to the doctor about this, have your REAL bf% calculated (not just the formula from a website). You may be losing fat and it just not reflecting on the scale. The goal EVERYONE here --no matter if they want to be rail thin or toned -- is to lose bf%. The scale is a *kitten*. Don't let him get you down.
  • tinawharrison
    tinawharrison Posts: 123
    So... doctor put me on no carbs after lunch

    What kind of doctor?

    My GP

    Since you're going through the effort of going to the doctor about this, have your REAL bf% calculated (not just the formula from a website). You may be losing fat and it just not reflecting on the scale. The goal EVERYONE here --no matter if they want to be rail thin or toned -- is to lose bf%. The scale is a *kitten*. Don't let him get you down.

    Thanks, I was going to buy BF scales but I've been told I can't use them because of my pacemaker that I had fitted last year! Damn thing changed my life and not in a nice way! At least i'm back to boxing and karate now though...