Ugh!!!! I don't even know where to start....................

I am a married, sahm with a 10 yr old, 2 yr old, and 1 yr old. My husband and I both need to lose weight. I have a lot more to lose at 283 lbs. I just watched the youtube video someone had posted about eating yourself to death and I know that is me. I have gotten to the point that I actually thing a heart attack or stroke is right around the corner for me or at the very least, diabetes. My kids are young; I have to do everything I can for them.

Where do you get recipes from? meal plans? info. on clean eating? What are some good ideas that I can make for breakfast for my kids? It just seems so overwhelming. I am the type of person that needs a plan or I just feel like I don't even know where to begin.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • 08sweek
    08sweek Posts: 38 Member
    This is a great place to start. Consider getting a book to help out, one that includes a diet plan/suggestions and a workout routine. I have a yoga book that has a suggested diet for one month, which is a great way to learn "clean" eating. It is also helpful if you get a book that also explains the phases you will go through with any lifestyle change, one with good motivation tips and advice. If you cna, try to find one with an activity that you think you'll enjoy doing. This may seem like a lot at first, but take it day by day and it will soon be easy. Take a slow pace in the beginning, gradually making changes, this is the best way to make it long term. The hardest part for me was scheduling eating right into my life and making the time to exercise.

    Hope this helps! :smile:
  • doctork29
    doctork29 Posts: 15 Member
    First, completely immerse in this website....there are a ton of things to read, learn, do, as well as a great group of people that will support you. With that support, usually in the posts sent by people are links to other options...once you have a grasp of the MFP website, which can give you a plan, recipes, and the like, then expand your knowledge and plan through the blogs and posts of others that have found success here...

    I would also try to make a visit to a physician to ensure that whatever your plans for weight loss include, they will not become a detriment to your health...
  • JenniferMann24
    You should start slow.....Start by replacing sweets with fruits, white bread with wheat, sodas and candy with water. If you do everything at once it will be such a shock that everyone will have a heart attack themselves. Then you can learn how to make things from scratch and replace stuff with healthy options.

    Good Job on the decision to make a healthy step!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    For breakfast I have a few that I really like that are around 300 calories or less. These breakfasts are really fast too which is good for kids. I like to buy whole wheat L'Eggo waffles that you can just pop in the toaster. You can use syrup with them or I also get frozen berries and then put them in the microwave so they are nice and warm for overtop. I also do Kashi Go Lean cereal with vanilla flavored soy milk (I'm lactose intolerant) but the vanilla flavor makes it taste like a milkshake. I also like to make omelets. I use better than eggs egg substitute because it's easier to store and make omelets with. My burly dad couldn't tell the difference between that and real eggs. :) Anyways, I use that a slice of cheese and some lean turkey and make omelets. Those three work really well for me. If I get in a time pinch, I also like getting lean pockets breakfast sandwiches which are fast and easy.

    As far as recipes, I would just search the internet and make sure they have the nutritional information. I'm sure other members would be better at answering that question.

    Part of my learning on how to cook clean was just entering in things that I ate to learn what was good and what wasn't. I was surprised at how bad one thing was that I thought was good or vice versa. Good luck!!
  • sherri_pie22b
    sherri_pie22b Posts: 28 Member
    Sweetie do not get overwhelmed....My highest weight was 298 and just 2 months later I am 265....Trust me you can do it....All you have to do is stick with it and once you start seeing results on the scale you won't want to stop....You have to take it one day at a time......I absolutly love this sight because You can logg in everything you eat and it really helps you to be aware of what and how much you should be eating......You should choose to eat, veggies, fruits, lean meats, and Whole grains.......
    Instead of white rice eat brown, instead of white bread eat Whole grain........Get rid of everything white and I promise you will see a difference......Another thing that will help you shed the pounds is water, water, and more water........Drink half your body weight..........Sodas and Juices should be eliminated.....100% Juice is ok in moderation.....And another thing that will enhance your weight loss is doing at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day........
    Try this for about 2 weeks before giving up and I promise you will see and feel and difference on the scale and with your clothes....:smile: