Favorite ab work outs?

We all know women have a weakness for a sixpack... They are the only thing that gives man power. So lets hear it whats your favorite


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Whatever works best for you in terms of:

    1. Maxaming ab involvement
    2. Minimizing hip flexor involvement
    3. Allows youto add weight. (Something that most people don't do)

    That being said, making your abs visible is mostly about low body fat. Direct work isn't needed, you can get enough indirect work from squats, deads, i.e. stuff you should be doing anyway.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131



  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 297 Member
    I love doing bicycle crunches and reverse crunch!
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Cable Crunch
    Hanging Leg Raises
    Weighted side Crunches

    I do those at least 3 to 4 times a week.
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    30DS & Zumba :)
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    2 sets of over the head rope pull downs
    2 sets of oblique cable side crunches
    2 sets planks
    2 sets on the aerobic ball

    I do throw in the hanging straps from time to time as well. I like to change it up often but those are my favorites. But uponthisrock is right...abs are 95% diet...unfortunately :(
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    We do heaps of ab & core work at boxing. Although we also do medicine ball drop on the abs or peppered punches (with gloves) in the mid region................. always wondered what benefit it has beyond getting me used to body shots?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member



  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    Running. Lose the body fat and poof....you have a six pack!
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    We do heaps of ab & core work at boxing. Although we also do medicine ball drop on the abs or peppered punches (with gloves) in the mid region................. always wondered what benefit it has beyond getting me used to body shots?

    Why is core stability important?

    The benefits of strengthening your core muscles may include:
    •The strong, healthy feeling that comes from good posture.
    •Confidence from strength and good balance.
    •More strength and power for your activities.
    •Less chance of injury.
    •Decrease in, or prevention of, low back pain

  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    AB Ripper X! :)
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Running. Lose the body fat and poof....you have a six pack!

    Amen Brother...which is why Sprints are my favorite of all....

    I prefer Sprints over long distance running....I have seen long distance runners bodies with aweful core....but never have I seeen a sprinter's core look bad..alawys Crazy Abs
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    AB Ripper X! :)

    I Hate it...but I love it
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    AB Ripper X! :)

    I Hate it...but I love it

  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    My favorite is by far barbell deadlifts.
    I know squats are a bit more effective, so of course I squat three times a week, I just dislike the exercise.

    crunches and all those other cute exercises can get stuffed. Though I will admit to using an ab roller now and again. That thing is pretty great.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    heavy dead lifts and squats
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    As of now, the only thing i'm doing for my abs is working in the kitchen and cardio... I just want them to show for now. I've seen guys who are ripped but their abs are a bit uneven. So I'm just working on getting them to show now. Once I can see them I'll know what I got to do. I was just curious on what others thought are effective.
  • DanTTX
    DanTTX Posts: 64 Member
    Running. Lose the body fat and poof....you have a six pack!

    Really!? :O
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    We all know women have a weakness for a sixpack... They are the only thing that gives man power.
    Sir, I must respectfully be in dissent of your opinion. I vehemently believe that traps are the greatest glory muscle there is.
  • DarwinChick95
    DarwinChick95 Posts: 144 Member
    We all know women have a weakness for a sixpack... They are the only thing that gives man power.
    Sir, I must respectfully be in dissent of your opinion. I vehemently believe that traps are the greatest glory muscle there is.

    Every girl has a weakness for the 'v' muscle.
    Its HOT