Protein for Breakfast

fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
Here is my dilemma. I get up REALLY early in the mornings around 4am (leaving the house for about 5am) and so breakfast is usually something I can grab and go; Mueseli with Yogurt, Quick Cook Oats, sometimes just a small bag of cereal. I can't really grab many breakfast options on the drive in to work since I am being tested for gluten intolerance (so any breakfast sandwiches are out). Because I also am insulin resistant, I really need to be eating more protein with the grains that I am having to regulate my blood sugar- but am going through a phase where I cannot stomach eggs first thing in the morning. I found that a protein shake was the only thing I could come up with - but I'm finding that I'm getting bored with that.

I'm looking for some alternatives; I tried sausage and peppers, which wasn't bad but took a longer time to cook so meant having to get up even earlier. Any thoughts?


  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Natural peanut butter on toast?? or on wholemeal rice cakes?

    I am similar...get up at 5am and leave at 6am but this week i've been having breakfast before i leave the house and really enjoyed having peanut butter on toast or 2 soft boiled eggs with 1 slice granary toast..yum! xxx
  • BumbyDog
    BumbyDog Posts: 70 Member
    A bag of nuts and seeds? Cottage cheese sprinkled with milled linseeds? Would you cook the sausages the night before and eat them cold in the morning? I quite like cold sausages.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Switch up your regular yogurt for greek yogurt.
    Add some protein powder to your oatmeal.
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    I second the natural PB toast! I eat it almost every morning before work. Quick and easy, high protein and low sugar. You can jazz it up with a banana on top, sugar free jam, honey and cinnamon.. you name it. Perfect breakfast.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    cold sausage cooked the night before ?
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    My friend is diabetic. He makes mini crustless quiches that he eats for breakfast. Eggs, bacon cheese and plain yoghurt gives lots of protein and fat and low carbs.
  • BumbyDog
    BumbyDog Posts: 70 Member
    How about beans? They are also nice cold and come in sugar free varieties. Or, you could do homemade granola bars. I usually make a full tray of them and work my way through them for breakfast/ snacks. The great thing about making your own is you control what goes into them. You could even add protein powder if you like.
  • mrsweasley23
    mrsweasley23 Posts: 20 Member
    If you being tested for gluten intolerance, you need to make sure you are eating gluten for the tests to be accurate, so no need to avoid anything :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I have to choke down my eggs first thing in the morning, so I can understand the feeling of not being able to stomach them.

    I'd stick with the protein shake (I know it gets boring, but we aren't eating for entertainment or enjoyment).
    Or try making some type of smoothie. I mix greek yogurt with blueberries, bananas, raspberries, etc, and add milk or juice depending on what I'm making. It's allowed me to get fruit into my diet (i hate fruit) and it's a quick fix every morning.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I have to choke down my eggs first thing in the morning, so I can understand the feeling of not being able to stomach them.

    I'd stick with the protein shake (I know it gets boring, but we aren't eating for entertainment or enjoyment).
    Or try making some type of smoothie. I mix greek yogurt with blueberries, bananas, raspberries, etc, and add milk or juice depending on what I'm making. It's allowed me to get fruit into my diet (i hate fruit) and it's a quick fix every morning.

    This sounds like a miserable experience... If you're in a diet where you do not enjoy eating what you are eating, it is going to be the epitome of a diet. Don't expect life long changes through this. (I would never get in bed with a food plan that I have to force down daily and I don't have any enjoyment eating, that depresses me even thinking about it.)
  • susieqa6699
    susieqa6699 Posts: 42 Member
    I buy fresh ground pork mix it with ground turkey, patty it up in 2 oz portions and fry it and I freeze them when I am done. In the morning I grab one and heat it up in the pan ( i like to get them extra brown) with a 1/2 piece of cheese. I eat it on whole wheat toast sliced in 1/2 lengthwise, so it makes two pieces of toast with a soft inside.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    How about leftovers from the evening before.
    Chicken, beans, banana, or spirulina
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Cottage cheese with some salsa tastes great. Scrambled egg whites cook just as fast as anything you can microwave. Peanut butter on toast or a waffle(I guess hold off on that till you get your gluten results), protein shake I mix mine with almond milk in the mornings. Apple, orange, handful of cherry tomatoes, dried plums(get the ones with out sugar), Greek yogurt with a dot of honey. I leave the house at 5a.m. too and my breakfast is easily my biggest meal.
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    I make smoothie every morning, protien powder, banana and .5 cup of frozen mixed berries.
  • willowcb
    willowcb Posts: 20 Member
    I eat Healthwise protein bars. I get up at 4:30 every morning to arrive at work at 6 am. I don't eat anything until 6:00. I've found if I eat anything earlier, I get hungry too quickly and require more snacking.

    The Rocky Road and Peanut butter are my favorites.

  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    This sounds like a miserable experience... If you're in a diet where you do not enjoy eating what you are eating, it is going to be the epitome of a diet. Don't expect life long changes through this. (I would never get in bed with a food plan that I have to force down daily and I don't have any enjoyment eating, that depresses me even thinking about it.)

    I'd have to say the opposite, don't expect life long changes through mediocrity.
    Average people do average things and get average results.

    It takes dedication to get the things you want, and I've accepted that. In order to reach my goals I don't always get to enjoy what I eat.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    This sounds like a miserable experience... If you're in a diet where you do not enjoy eating what you are eating, it is going to be the epitome of a diet. Don't expect life long changes through this. (I would never get in bed with a food plan that I have to force down daily and I don't have any enjoyment eating, that depresses me even thinking about it.)

    I'd have to say the opposite, don't expect life long changes through mediocrity.
    Average people do average things and get average results.

    It takes dedication to get the things you want, and I've accepted that. In order to reach my goals I don't always get to enjoy what I eat.

    So because I work hard to find found I enjoy eating, and will on a daily life long basis, I am sentenced to a life of mediocrity? Kind of disagree. Don't get me wrong, right now as I change my life I am working stuff in I don't like at all. But I will eventually find a way to replace it with an equally valuable intake that doesn't suck.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Could you eat boiled eggs? I know you said you can't deal with eggs right now but they are a lot different than scrambled or fried.
  • catgur
    catgur Posts: 1
    You could poach 2 eggs in the microwave, takes 30 seconds !
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    So because I work hard to find found I enjoy eating, and will on a daily life long basis, I am sentenced to a life of mediocrity? Kind of disagree. Don't get me wrong, right now as I change my life I am working stuff in I don't like at all. But I will eventually find a way to replace it with an equally valuable intake that doesn't suck.

    No. I'm not saying you won't see good changes.
    But some people have different goals and they require a bit more dedication. Just because you don't "enjoy" what you eat doesn't mean you can't sustain it long term. Sometimes peole are eating for performance or sustenance, not for enjoyment.

    Don't get me wrong, I incorporate cheat meals and I think things like that are key to staying with a diet long term. But if I have a set amount of calories that I have to eat, sometimes food isn't enjoyable but I eat it anyway.