Wedding Dress Zipper or Corset?

AMaro215 Posts: 78 Member
MY wedding dress has a zipper in the back, I have been told that if I dont lose the 2 inches I need to lose in my back to get it to zip that I can get a Corest put in the and zipper taken out. I have heard that corset backs are very uncomfortable but do amazing things for your stomach area...I already have a full corset bra for underneath..

Any opinions, zippers vs Corest back for a wedding dress? Thanks


  • manderswv
    manderswv Posts: 12
    I think it's all a matter of personal preference. My wedding dress is a corset back because that's the dress I fell in love with. I don't find it uncomfortable at all and like the fact that it can be synched down tight so I don't have to worry about it sliding down like strapless dresses sometimes do. I also like the fact that it provides a somewhat adjustable fit, meaning that I don't have to worry about maintaining the exact same measurements between my last fitting and the wedding. Since my dress is a corset, it will fit just the way I want it to :).
  • vanderandkarl
    i love corsets but its up to u and if they are done super tight they can be uncomfortable but try different tightness so u get a comfortable fit x
    i also hope you have a wonderful wedding day x
  • Paige_me
    Paige_me Posts: 59 Member
    A little advice from my personal experience, you still have what 5 months or more until your wedding? Don't worry about all of this stuff right now, you will get to where you need to be and it'll all work out the way it needs to.
    I freaked out over my dress size, I lost so much weight and was terrified it was going to be horrible. In the end, everything is perfect. Makes me wish I hasn't stressed so bad. I know it's hard to do but it will all work out.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I fell in love with a corset back wedding dress, and that's the one I wore. I didn't really have any issue with my weight then, so it wasn't a concern for me.

    I LOVED the way the back of my dress looked.. with the pretty satin ribbons criss crossing down the back. and we got some fantasic pictures of my bridesmaids tieing it while I "held on" to a beautiful, tall, bed post and gazed out the window, and some close ups of their hands lacing it up. I wouldn't trade anything for those!

    It was not uncomfortable at all.. but, if fit like a glove, so I didn't have to sqeeze into it.

    All in all, I love that type of dress, but if you love yours the way it is, don't sweat it, I'm sure you'll get there!
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    Mine is actually a combination of a zipper and corset. I think it is pretty comfortable and I am happy for having the two because I lost the weight in my belly first, which is where I had issues with the zipper. If the zipper went any higher, I wouldn't be able to do it up. This is where the corset comes in. My seamstress pulled it wayyyy to tight, but since I don't need to have any alterations done up top (only the length in the front), I should be fine. I will just make sure my MOH doesn't pull it as tight when she does me up on June 2nd lol! It looks great pulled super tight, but I can't take in a full breath, and will definitely pass out!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    If you get a corset back put in, you probably won't need the corset bra. (if your dress already has the proper 'boning' in the bodice)

    I personally love corsets!

    Congrats on getting married!
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I totally forgot that my dress has a corset in it. So I went out and bought a separate corset (as the Spanx didn't take in my waist as much). Having both corsets makes the dress look funny, so I may have to buy some Spanx (or a cheaper alternative) afterall. The only thing about the non-spanx, is that they don't have a hole for when you need to use the washroom! I found some $20 torso/butt/thigh shapers at Walmart and may buy them, and cut my own hole! I only want the shaper to help streamline my torso and help with any lumps that may appear lol!