Ebooks vs. Real Books



  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I have both a Kindle and a library in my home. The kindle gets used mostly for trashy sci-fi and fantasy, because I have a weakness, and I read through a 300 page novel a night.

    I buy real books when i'm really in love with the author, it's a book i feel needs to be shared (i book swap with other geeks), or it's a reference manual of some sort.

    I think the boyfriend got me the Kindle to help save money and clutter. It's saved money (those trashy vampire/spaceship/dragon novels aren't cheap!), but i still buy and keep enough real books that it doesn't save much on the clutter.

    And I find a lot of my fellow geeks are the same way. There are a few hipsters that have shunned all contact with e-readers, and there are a few neat freaks who banished all their real books to the garage sales. But most people have use and love for both.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    I honestly wasn't a big reader before I got my iPad. Now I'll find books online and put them on my iPad and read in my spare time. ebooks are just more convenient for me.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I don't really read much but I think this sounds like vinyl Vs. CD... I hated CD when they first came out, but gave in to them, and again with MP3, like them, MP3 players Kindles etc it's just natural progression.... remember the video recorder that EVERYONE had in the 80's & 90's ????
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I will always stay loyal to real books. There is a feel and smell to them that ebooks cannot replace. It is relaxing to snuggle in with a book and enjoy a good read.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I prefer real books, but ebooks are the real deal and here to stay..i took 3,000 books with me on my kindle to my travels. i love the kindle, great to hold, very clear to read,compact, but nothing on earth is as tactile as a real book..and you also know how much you have left to read...and the smell of a new book is amazing too.

    More seriously...can you donate an ebook to al library or charity/school? or lend it to a friend???

    NO WAY and they are designed to not let you share them the way you can with real books.

    And real books take up storage space and retail overheads...ebooks cost NOTHING yet they still cost almost the same as the real thing ( more if you are stupid enough to buy books from apple's ibook service)
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I love love love my Nook. I've had it since it first came out. Asked my husband if he would like one and he said no way. Well for his birthday this year I got him one and he loves it too. I hate having to turn pages. Much easier reading at night in bed and not having to flip the pages and move the book from side to side.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have both a Kindle and a library in my home. The kindle gets used mostly for trashy sci-fi and fantasy, because I have a weakness, and I read through a 300 page novel a night.

    Ditto one of the main reason I loved my kindle is that we are totally out of book case space - its also easier to carry but unfortunately one of the kids sat on it and broke it. Hubby has promised me a new one but at the moment back to paperbacks.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I prefer real books, but ebooks are the real deal and here to stay..i took 3,000 books with me on my kindle to my travels. i love the kindle, great to hold, very clear to read,compact, but nothing on earth is as tactile as a real book..and you also know how much you have left to read...and the smell of a new book is amazing too.

    More seriously...can you donate an ebook to al library or charity/school? or lend it to a friend???

    NO WAY and they are designed to not let you share them the way you can with real books.

    And real books take up storage space and retail overheads...ebooks cost NOTHING yet they still cost almost the same as the real thing ( more if you are stupid enough to buy books from apple's ibook service)

    last 20 books I bought all cost 3.99 or less at the store trhey were 13.99 and up
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I put getting my e-reader off for a long time but recently got it as a gift from my grandmother and I absolutly love it. I generally always carry a book around in my purse with me as I never know when I might need it. The fact that the e-reader allows me to carry more than 1 book with out weighing down my bag is a major bonus but I can also get books for way cheaper is fantastic, as I can read books fairly fast. I bought The hunger games for 28 dollars but in the store the same trilogy was over 50 dollars.

    I still love my regular books, and some of the series that I read will still be bought in paperback as I do not want half in paperback, half electronic but I think that the e-reader is a fantastic thing.
  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    just throw 12 books in the garbage today....i dont need them anymore....i love my KINDLE
  • sfoxy219
    sfoxy219 Posts: 103
    real books will survive to a point. Hipsters and the Amish will never move forward. I personally like Ebooks or kindle. I don't have one right now but I want one. It's lighter and you can have hundreds of books all in one spot. very handy if you travel a lot and don't want to add 30 pounds to your carry on with books. Plus think of the amount of paper you will save.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member

    And real books take up storage space and retail overheads...ebooks cost NOTHING yet they still cost almost the same as the real thing ( more if you are stupid enough to buy books from apple's ibook service)

    I don't know where you buy your books from but most of the books I have bought for my e-reader were 5 bucks and under, the ones in the store are still between 15 - 20.
  • Auspiciousgirl
    I use my Kindle all the time for quick, cheap books. I love stocking up on their free or $1.99 options! So far, I haven't been able to bring myself to purchase an ebook if it costs more, though... if I'm going to be spending the money on a book, well I'm gonna want that book on my shelf, because I like stuff like that :)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member

    last 20 books I bought all cost 3.99 or less at the store trhey were 13.99 and up

    I accept your point, but this pricing isn't consistent for every book. And also, books are sometimes even regionalised..there are ebooks sold in the states that i can't buy over here in England...
  • cookierinthia
    cookierinthia Posts: 72 Member
    I agree. Several people have offered to buy me an e-reader and I just don't want one. I have my own personal library at home. Nora Roberts take up almost an entire bookshelf! :D I love the smell and feel of books and I love to collect them, but my fear is that the e-reader will take over just like CD's took over cassette tapes and vinyl albums, which I still miss the albums, not so much the tapes.
    I've tried reading on my phone and I despise it. I'm a writer and I love being surrounded by real books, seeing their covers, holding them, having the spines sticking out on my shelves ...

    Reading, to me, is about more than just the act of looking at words and processing them. I will never own an e-reader. I'm scared to death that it will eventually be the only choice, though.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I like my Kindle for the most part. I'm not much of a shopper so I can now buy all of my books online, which I like. The smell and feel of a real book does nothing for me, and I'm actually trying NOT to have a million books around the house. They just take up space, I don't feel like I need to show off all the books I've ready, and they're a pain in the butt to move if I ever sell my house.

    The only thing I miss is being able to lend a book to somebody. I know you can with e-books but generally it's only for 2 weeks and you can only lend it to one person.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I read almost all my books on my Kindle. Since I bought my Kindle two years ago, I've read over 200 books on it. Way more than I would have read of real books in that same time. I do not miss the "real book" feel or smell.
    Here is the break down for me:

    Pros for e-books:
    Real books are harder for me to hold due to my arthritis and the fact that I tend to read in bed a lot.
    I like to read between 2 and 5 books at a time of different types of books, so this way I can carry all five at once and they way almost nothing.
    My kindle fits in my purse, which my books did not.
    I can highlight my books just as easily. I can jump straight to a highlight instead of flipping a hundred pages hoping to see it.
    I can still share books with my mom since she has a Kindle, too.
    You *can* still borrow books...see below.

    I have to turn it off for landing and take off on airplanes. Drag.
    I can't download books when visiting my team in Canada. I have to download them in advance.
    Sometimes the translation to e-book is rough-i.e. extra typos, or punctuation mistakes. At least I hope those didn't make it to print!
    Borrowing books is weirder.
    Borrowing on the Amazon Prime library program is practically irrelevant since you only get one book per month and I can read 2 books in a week.

  • sfoxy219
    sfoxy219 Posts: 103
    I can't get into e-books, something about the feel and smell of paper really intrigues me, it's part of the reading process to me. Everyone who uses e-books are really impressed but I hope that books will survive and continue to be printed, though in reality, it is only a matter of time before printing is done away with, I guess I won't read anymore :-(

    I don't think that would happen. Ever. Even if we were to run out of trees, there is always hemp..

    I give it about 30-40 years before they stop printing books all together. They will have to have kindles in all the class rooms of course. It's just the natural progression. Nothing last forever.
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 887
    I prefer EBooks, i have a kindle, and my phone and tablet have the kindle app, so i always have something i can read on. Its funny, i never read much in the past, but since i discovered the kindle, ive read 5 books in the last month, so ebooks r for me.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I prefer and still buy real books.