Restarting workouts after ankle/foot injury

MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
I fell off my back door step and landed badly on the side of my foot. Slight sprain with a lot of bruising and soft tissue damage. My GP's advice about exercise is to 'be guided by the pain' i.e. if it hurts don't do it!

Can anyone recommend exercise that can burn calories in a short amount of time indoors which do not involve twisting or jumping or buying expensive equipment that I don't have room for?

(I cannot leave my 2 year old alone while I go out for a walk and he walks so slowly its not the most efficient calorie burn)


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Do you have any dumbbells or resistance bands?

    You can get resistance bands pretty cheap and do workouts at home with them until the foot improves.

    just google some workouts.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 557 Member
    Can you put him in a stroller and push him while you walk? What about a bicycle? I have a child's seat on the back of mine so I can strap my little one in and off we go....
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    A couple of months ago maybe, but hes so big now, not to mention stubbornly independent (get that from me so I can't really complain) that he won't go in a pushchair now. Although for the next week or so he's pretty much confined to the house as he has chickenpox. As for the child seat on the back of the bike - not sure I have the strength to keep my balance while he wiggles around. I have thought about a trailer for the bike though - that really would burn calories!! Especially with all the hills around where I live!

    Can't really ride a proper bike because of the injury though, I did consider a stationary bike (in front of the TV in the evenings) but I am not sure we would have room (in a small rented house at the moment)

    Tried my 30DS - too much jumping, tried my kettlenetics, too much twisting, tried my Wii - not enough calories burned... getting really frustrated now - really want to just get outside and run (but can't for probably at least another 2 months)