How to suppress appetite?


I've tried diets before but my passion for cooking has always meant it hasn't lasted long! This time, I'm determined I can do it, but am having trouble with my smaller portions. Having a slim fast shake once a day, hopefully increasing to 2 a day in a week. I'm able to stop myself eating more, but I don't like feeling hungry and am drinking water constantly to try and curb my appetite.
I don't want to take pills so anyone got any tips on how to make my food more filling for longer or things I can snack on that are very low-calorie?



  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I personally dont believe in suppressing my appetite. I eat 5-6 small meals a day (every 2-3 hours) and it has helped with not feeling hungry since Im constantly eating. You are welcome to take a look at my diary. I drink a protein shake before I workout but I dont drink meal replacement shakes. I would rather eat food.

    Hope this helps :)
  • romoli
    romoli Posts: 43 Member
    I think you need to look at nutrients. My body is hungry because it wants something.... I can eat a ton of starch but if my body wants potassium or magnesium I eat 20 pistachios and I'm full.
    Pistachios are rich in potassium (helps regulate the body's fluid balance), phosphorus (helps build bones and teeth) and magnesium (important element in the conversion of the body's energy), and are also a good source of vitamin B6 (aids protein metabolism and absorption) and thiamine (enhances energy and promotes normal appetite).
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    Eat lots of protein. It kills your appetite and keeps you fuller for longer. Meat, eggs, protein shakes etc. Caffeine also reduces my appetite, as does drinking plenty of fluids (teas and water - not fruit juices or sodas!!) Make suer you have protein in every meal though. You can't go wrong.
    Avoid sugar as much as you can. I know this is rich coming from me because I find it very difficult to stay under my sugar levels each day, but that stuff is damn addictive and will make you hungry!!

    With carbs, eat as low GI as possible. If you eat rice, make it wholegrain basmati rice. It's the lowest GI rice you can get and it's lovely! Wholewheat whole grain breads and cereals and pasta and all that jazz. Again, don't eat the carbs without something protein in any case.
    When you eat refined carbs (white flour, rice, sugar) it will spike your blood sugar and make you hungry in a pretty short period of time.

    If you're hungry between meals, have a cup of tea. That usually does the trick for me and I can hold out till the next meal. Don't sweeten your tea though! Get used to it without sugar and soon you won't like sugar in it. Same goes for coffee. Also don't use those creamer things - they're full of crap!

    Sorry I've rambled on...
  • Bmjnash
    Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
    I do the water thing. I drink 1 whole cup right before I eat and then I sip on another cup in between every bite that helps me for a while. then when I want to snack I drink another cup of water, if that doesn't work I brush my teeth, then if that still doesn't work after a while I snack on some pretzels. and I brush my teeth again .lol or just use mouthwash. that helps so I don't want to eat right away again

    but I normally eat 3 meals and I have 3 snacks also. that seems to help to have things spread out evenly so I don't want a snack so much
  • Microfiber_wechange
    I think you need to look at nutrients. My body is hungry because it wants something

    This is so true. The other day I thought I was starving. I ate a handful of cashew nuts and was full. I couldn't understand it.
  • robinskv
    robinskv Posts: 107 Member
    I have always preferred to EAT my calories and not DRINK them. Shakes and replacements just leave me hungry. I think once you get into the swing of things and do some planning ahead of your meals, you will find that you aren't hungry. There are some days where I have to choose a high calorie meal just to get them in! Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member

    I've tried diets before but my passion for cooking has always meant it hasn't lasted long! This time, I'm determined I can do it, but am having trouble with my smaller portions. Having a slim fast shake once a day, hopefully increasing to 2 a day in a week. I'm able to stop myself eating more, but I don't like feeling hungry and am drinking water constantly to try and curb my appetite.
    I don't want to take pills so anyone got any tips on how to make my food more filling for longer or things I can snack on that are very low-calorie?

    Are you going to drink Slim fast the rest of your life? If not, then this wouldn't be a good approach because once you eat real food in replacement, your weight will likely go up. Learn to do it with food you KNOW you will eat on a regular basis. You have to make HABITUAL changes for things to change, so if portion control is your issue, then learn how to split your food up and discipline yourself to only eat that amount. Doing that for 3 weeks will create a habit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    I think you need to look at nutrients. My body is hungry because it wants something

    This is so true. The other day I thought I was starving. I ate a handful of cashew nuts and was full. I couldn't understand it.
    and for over 60% of the population it's just to eat more food.
  • rostraqueen
    rostraqueen Posts: 22
    Thanks for all your replies!
    No I don't plan on having shakes the rest of my life, so thanks for the advice about that.
    I'm a student and find it hard to get healthy, low-fat foods on such a tight budget. I researched into meal replacement shakes and thought I could try it then discovered Slimfast was on sale, so that's what I went for! I thought having a shake instead of breakfast or lunch each day would help my stomach to shrink a bit so that eating smaller portions would be easier, plus it's quick and easy for my busy lifestyle!
    So, with this new information, any new advice? Am I going about this the wrong way?

    By the way, don't go by what I've written in my food diary, I always forget to log stuff especially my exercise! And sometimes I put stuff in just to try out a menu for the day to see how many calories it would be.
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    Have a higher protein breakfast, protein helps you stay fulll much longer!!!
    Also i eat 6 times a day... 3 meals and 3 small snacks in helps me to get enough calories in and also i rarely get hungry because i'm eating ever 2-3 hours. and if i do feel hungry i drink a whole bottle of water, because sometimes our body confuses thirst with hunger. :) try these things. :)
  • fitnessbugg
    fitnessbugg Posts: 141 Member
    I don't believe in the SlimFast thing either. If you are running out the door, have some beef jerky (I like Oberto - no soy) and nuts. I have had this many times for breakfast! I know it sounds weird. If you need to, you can throw in an apple, but I think carbs are what make you hungry and especially sugar.
  • sdubya04
    sdubya04 Posts: 28 Member
    I've always found mints or gum to be a great appetite suppressant. Sometimes I think I'm hungry when really my mouth is just bored. Or if I just ate a snack it will help me from eating 2nds.