Women lifters SURVEY



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    172 lbs

    I have been lifting for about 10 weeks 'this time round'.
    3 - 5 x a week
    Split routine

    1 REP Max:
    I have never tried my max

    Deads: 165lbs, 3 sets of 6
    Squat: 100 lbs, 3 sets of 6 (sorting my form out at the moment)
    Bench: 80lbs, 3 sets of 6

    Pull ups: no idea as I have not tried recently.

    Favorite Arm: Bench Press
    Favorite Leg: Squats (when I can get my form sorted out)

    Isolated Abs: Yes - 1 - 2 x a week, depending on schedule

    Wow - 6 months later and its interesting to see how much progression.

    5"6 (shocking but that has not changed)
    155 lbs

    I do a 4 day split now

    Working sets (reps vary):
    Deads: 230lbs,
    Squat: 185 lbs
    Bench: 115lbs

    Pull ups: 4

    Isolated Abs: None for most of the time since first posting but added in 1 - 2 x a week recently
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 132

    How long youve been lifting: 4 months
    Times per week: 6
    Split routine or full body: Split

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 170
    Squat: 140
    Bench: 130

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): Yes

    Favorite arm move: 7,7,7's and cable upright rows
    Favorite leg/butt move: 60 lunges with an 80 lb cambered bar (3 sets of 20)

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? Everyday.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Height: 4' 10 1/2"
    Weight: 145ish

    How long youve been lifting: almost a year
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: full body

    1 REP MAX

    Dunno, never tried a 1RM

    Deadlift: 115
    Bench: 75

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): Yes, assisted until I can do it unassisted

    Favorite arm move: N/A (compounds)
    Favorite leg/butt move: N/A (compounds)

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often?
    Used to, but don't currently.
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    YOU are the ladies I have been looking for!!!

    You all sound and appear so successful in what you've been doing here.

    Weights scare me. They shouldn't, I know. But they do.
    I am almost a full year post-partum and have focused on weight loss, during which time I've been marginally successful. With 1.5 weeks to go until that year is up, I have shred 55lbs.

    Now, I feel like I still have 25-30lbs to go(al), using the arbitrary scale number as a gauge. I feel I need to start with the weights.

    Blah blah, right?


    If any of you feel up to assisting me come up with a plan, please please please please message me privately. I understand that doing so in such a capacity can be time consuming, but I would be eternally grateful. I've already learned so much in my 10 months with MFP: I feel like this is the next step.

    Sorry to jack your thread, but you've already gathered the group I'd be calling out to :)

    Thanks ahead, and keep lifting big things! xo