Juice Plus Users and Protien Shake Drinkers

volvol16 Posts: 45 Member
So, I've been on Juice Plus + since october... my friend sells it and gave me samples before a half marathon. I take the garden blend and the fruit blend daily--which has lessened my oxidative stress (soreness after a workout) and improved my digestion.

I have even been using the protien powder as a booster with my morning smoothies, but with all the fruit and calories, I am reluctant to use it because it's not filling enough for me. If you use protien powder when do you use it? Do you drink it every day? Only after hard workouts? Not at all? I'm new to this and need some help! :) Thank you!!


  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I drink a protein shake in the morning, directly after my workout. I don't feel like fussing with much, though, so I use 8 oz unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop of chocolate powder & a few ice cubes & just shake it up. I like it enough that it doesn't bother me. I know I could add fruit, do it in the blender, all that jazz, but the way I do it, it only takes about a minute to make it and it's only 175 calories. I have enough hassles and things to do before going to work that I don't need to add the blender and cutting up fruit into the mix. :smile:
  • Aimers428
    Aimers428 Posts: 1
    I know there are two different kinds of protien. One that is a "sustaining" protien that you will digest slower, more like a meal replacement. The other one you drink right after a workout like a recovery kind of protien. I went into Supplement Superstore right by where I work out and they explained all this to me. It made sense and I bought some that was more like a meal replacement and it is YUMMMMMMYYYY! It is the Level I chocolate chip cookie dough flavor.
    You could also add more the the J+ shakes to make them more filling or drink it along with a salad with lean meat (what my trainer told me and what I am learning as I am becoming a health coach). Or ask your J+ rep...I think they have a lot of different receipes to choose from and find which one works for you!
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    I ususally drink a Slim Fast shake at least once a day..I huess you would call that a protien drink.. I usually do it in the mornings before I go to work.. The Juice Plus sounds interesting ..How can I find out more about it..???
    Keep up the good work and thanks for this topic
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    I drink a whey protein shake pre and post workout on days I lift. I drink 1 post on cardio days and one for breakfast if I do neither. I drink a casein protein shake for supper. I work until 6:30pm and get up around 4am for the gym. It's about the only way I can get my protein intake. Plus, the one at night I use chocolate protein powder with PB2. So, it's almost like dessert. :smile:
  • blissjones
    I drink the Juice Plus protein shake as a meal replacement for breakfast and sometimes lunch. It fills me up more than most hot breakfasts I would eat before I found J +. I love it and it tastes great. I don't make it fancy either. I use a shaker with the powder, skim milk, and ice. I pour it in a fancy glass and drink up! Its only 4 Weight Watcher points, which is a huge bonus for me.
  • kazzawacki
    kazzawacki Posts: 2
    edited October 2014
    Hi All, I noticed no one really fed back on where to get Juice +. I started as a customer and saw such amazing results in my all round health that I decided to buy a franchise and am now an independent rep.

    We are seeing great results and better health from the juice+ vs protein as they are essentially wholefoods so you are getting a huge whack of nutrition, plus the effects on oxidative stress (repair after intense training) making it ideal as a pre/post workout supplement. Bonus is they taste great and you are looking at around 200 cal / shake made with 250ml skimmed milk.

    You can find more information on my facebook page or you can order through my website. Just let me know if you do so I can offer you the support and meal plan along with your order.

    There is also a muscle plan which details how to use the product to aid your lifting programme.

    Hope this helps! BeYou with Karen
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    I use it as meal replacement too, for breakfast and lunch currently, although I'm coming to the end of the initial 6-week plan period now so will most likely reintroduce a healthy lunch instead. I'm going to keep the breakfast shake, as I have never been a big breakfast eater, and my intolerances make breakfast choices pretty limited, and a shake is better than nothing. I might well start using them after swimming too. I quite enjoy them, and as well as feeling better, having healthier skin and better digestive health I have lost 14lb in five weeks following the plan - just got to learn to stick by the healthy choices I've implemented alongside it, lose the last 7-14lb, and learn to maintain without dependency on the shakes (most likely much easier said than done!).
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    P.S. I sometimes add fruit into mine, and/or a tiny amount of peanut butter or coconut, I just whiz it up really quickly in my drinks container using a hand blender the night before, and grab it out of the fridge in the morning. Still only a two-minute job :)
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I use Juice Plus as either a breakfast meal replacement or a post workout meal. I too keep it pretty simple, often just using a shaker cup. But some days it's worth busting out the immersion blender and blitzing the shake with banana or some berries. Very delicious!