I think I need some more friends ...

damnedlady Posts: 32 Member

I've actually been on MFP for 3 months now and have some friends, but I need some more friends to keep me motivated. I log in every day and I think it's important to log EVERYTHING. I am a vegetarian and have a slight addiction to sugar that I'm trying to get rid of. I am not vegan, but I try to eat less dairy and substitute for instance yoghurt and milk with plant-based ones. I'm still eating cheese, though. I have lost a bit of weight already and my BMI is now healthy, but I still have a way to go. My goal is to be healthy and feel good, it's not so much about weight.

I'd like some friends that are active on MFP and are honest and supportive! You don't have to be vegetarian, but it does help because we can inspire each other when it comes to food. I don't have much time for exercise, so for me it's mostly about what I eat + I walk whenever possible and work out a couple of times a week.

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