Should I buy 30 Day Shred?

julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
I'm looking for a structured workout to do on the days I'm not doing my C25K program (just started this week.) I generally get really bored with videos and don't end up using them. 30 Day Shred seems to be super popular on MFP, so I'm wondering what everyone thinks. What equipment (if any) do you need? Does it work a lot of muscle groups? Details please! :) I'll gladly look at some before and after pics too! Love those!!


  • just search 30 day shred (the search function is in line with home/recent posts/etc). you'll find many threads about it.

    I find that it's effective, quick, and minimal equipment is needed. Only need some hand weights--i'd get 5 pounds and 8 pounds. It's less than 10 bucks so not a huge investment. Even if you do it for only 30 days and never again it's only like .33
  • kikamckee
    kikamckee Posts: 3
    I just started and I love it!!! It's nice because you are moving the whole time and it's only 20 minutes!
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member

    If you do a search you'll find loads of pictures - they were the main reason why I decided to try it. I've been doing level 1 but it's on youtube so you can try it out for free. I've got the DVD from the library so I'll do the rest of it that way.
    You only need some weights - I made my own from bottles of water, and then I tried taping some tins of beans to them to up the weight but it didn't really work :smile: So I went and bought some proper weights.

    I think it's really good, I'd definitely recommend it!
  • cldwyer150
    cldwyer150 Posts: 20
    I typically like Jillian's workouts but I wasn't impressed with the 30 Day Shred. I found it boring. The two I really like by Jillian are No More Trouble Zones and 6 Week 6 Pack. For the No More Trouble Zones you need a mat and a set of hand weights. 6 week 6 pack you just need a mat (you can add weights for more resistance)

    Right now I am doing Turbo Fire with Chalene Johnson it is good but you have to be careful because there is a lot of jumping!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I went through a time when I bought many exercise dvds but one day I had a revelation... those dvds don't do any good if I am not determined to get them off the shelf, put them in the player, and actually MOVE MY BODY! Once I finally figured that out and got moving, I felt better than I've felt in ages. I started with the 30 Day Shred, moved on to C25K, and now I'm doing a decent mix of cardio and strength training....

    Should you buy it? That depends... are you willing to USE it? ;-) If so, it's a great dvd to start with. It will work your butt, thighs, abs, arms, back, and help you improve your cardio health. Your muscles will scream at you for the first 3 days, but after day 4 you'll start feeling stronger. (It still gives me a challenge now and then.) You'll need an exercise mat (if you don't have nice padded carpet or don't want it getting sweaty), I would actually recommend 3# weights to start with if you don't have much strength training experience, and a heart rate monitor might be a fun thing to use too, though it isn't a must.
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I just bought it yesterday and plan to begin Monday. I'm excited...every thing I've read, for the most part, have been positive! Good luck on your decision.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I was told that Level 1 of 30DS is on You Tube, so check it out. Personally, I loved 30DS and did very well with it. I'm doing Ripped in 30 right now.
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    Try out the first level for free online on youtube. I'd recommend the program though
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I like it but I like No More Trouble Zones better. It's 40 min as opposed to 20 (so you might prefer 30DS if you want something shorter). I've found Jillians DVDs in general to be pretty good at getting results but... the best exercise is the one you will DO. If you won't do it, dont bother...
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Sorry, I can't answer the OP's question, as I haven't tried it yet.. but I did buy the DVD and am waiting for it to arrive :)

    Would people recommend using 3 lb weights or 5 lb weights to start?
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Sorry, I can't answer the OP's question, as I haven't tried it yet.. but I did buy the DVD and am waiting for it to arrive :)

    Would people recommend using 3 lb weights or 5 lb weights to start?

    some exercises are best with 3# weights and some you could easily use 8# weights. i used different weights for different exercises. if i had to choose, i guess i'd go with 3 for your first time through, though having a variety available is better if you can afford it.
  • lauren128m
    lauren128m Posts: 75
    For its price I'd say it's well worth it. Get it on amazon and if you have prime you get the free two day shipping. I love the workout and you don't have to spend a lot of money to get the good workout.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I would try it on youtube. I heard all three levels are on there. I bought it and have been doing it. I curse Jillian out every day! I am really enjoying it and hope I get great results.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Unless you're already at a great fitness level.. I don't think I would do two structured programs at once. When you are doing C25K (I just started myself), you do need to have rest days. 30DS requires a workout every day. You might interfere with your performance in one or both programs if you do them simultaneously.
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    I liked 30 DS, but like others mentioned, I liked some of her other videos better. I just found a website called, that they probably have every workout video imaginable, including really old ones, but each video has roughly a 1 minute clip from various parts of the videos and they also have reviews. I too tend to get bored and searched through a bunch of the videos until I found one instructor that I liked what I saw and bought her 5 dvd's which were $7.99 each.

    Also, like someone else mentioned, you were doing one program and to be doing 2 at the same time may not be good. You need rest days too!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Sorry, I can't answer the OP's question, as I haven't tried it yet.. but I did buy the DVD and am waiting for it to arrive :)

    Would people recommend using 3 lb weights or 5 lb weights to start?

    some exercises are best with 3# weights and some you could easily use 8# weights. i used different weights for different exercises. if i had to choose, i guess i'd go with 3 for your first time through, though having a variety available is better if you can afford it.

    Thank you!