
So, I had some blood tests done a couple weeks ago and they came back showing that I am anemic. I'm still confused about the progression of events here, but I'm guessing that my Dr assumed it was lack of iron. She told me to take iron supplements and that she would add some tests to see what my other vitamin levels are. Those just came back... she said my iron level is's my red blood cell count that is low. So the usual I have heavy, I don't... have you noticed if you're passing blood in your, I have not.

Well, I looked it up and I saw a few different senarios...all of them kinda freaking me out. It could be an ulcer...which would explain all the stomach, heartburn type pain. It could be colitis, could be colon cancer.

Has anyone else had experience with this?

Also, they said I can stop taking the iron supplements, but my energy level is so much better I don't want to!


  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I have anemia too... believe me, if your doc thinks you have an ulcer or anything else they will check for it... Some people just have low iron... Or don't eat iron rich foods.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    What did your doctor say about the red blood cells? I know it's hard but try not to do internet research. It's too easy to self diagnose and freak yourself out.

    It could be a super easy explanation. For example, I have been having some serious memory issues. I looked on the internet and cancer, etc came up. Turns out I am just Vitamin D deficient. Easy fix and not so scary.

    You're on the right track. I bet if you keep going the way you are that your next blood test will show all kinds of improvement. Hang in there my friend!