Sore Knees.... :(



  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    If you've just started jogging you're going to have to be patient. A lot of basic soreness (like you said, nothing unbearable, just uncomfortable) is due to the muscles that surround your knees not being strong enough (same reason squats can make your knees "hurt"). As these muscles get stronger they will hurt less.

    For now, try to run on grass or a track vs. the street or concrete to help reduce impact.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    i had really sore knees to the point i couldn't even kneel down because i would have to use all my arm strength to get up! i went to a physiotherapist and with her help she gave me exercises (stretches) to loosen my extremely tight quads and my LT band (pretty sure of title, it runs up the whole side of your leg from kneecap) my muscles were soooo tight that the ones that were attached to my kneecap were pulling the cap out of place (that's the cracking noise- bone-on-bone) i also had the issue where i had really weak non-existant muscles because of the bigger ones taking over. anywho, i still wear a knee brace when i do knee heavy exercises (squats etc) but i can do pretty much anything with little to no pain. i can even walk up a flight of stairs without wincing. btw i'm in my 30's not my 60's or70's.
    i got a referral from my doctor so then the majority would be covered by insurance.
    good luck
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    i had really sore knees to the point i couldn't even kneel down because i would have to use all my arm strength to get up! i went to a physiotherapist and with her help she gave me exercises (stretches) to loosen my extremely tight quads and my LT band (pretty sure of title, it runs up the whole side of your leg from kneecap) my muscles were soooo tight that the ones that were attached to my kneecap were pulling the cap out of place (that's the cracking noise- bone-on-bone) i also had the issue where i had really weak non-existant muscles because of the bigger ones taking over. anywho, i still wear a knee brace when i do knee heavy exercises (squats etc) but i can do pretty much anything with little to no pain. i can even walk up a flight of stairs without wincing. btw i'm in my 30's not my 60's or70's.
    i got a referral from my doctor so then the majority would be covered by insurance.
    good luck
    Iliotibial Band - IT for short. It's the source of all of my problems too. Proper IT band stretches and warming up (vs just taking off at full speed b/c I thought warming up was for sissies) have solved the problem for me almost completely.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    Look up on youtube about running form. Look for Pose method or forefoot running. When you "jog" and land on your heels, you stress your joints. If you learn to run on your forefoot it takes a lot of the stress of your joints.

    I did this (my form still needs work but it's better) and now I have no knee pain.

    Also, like some of the other said, muscle imblances can cause issues. If your insurace covers PT, see if you can get seen by a doctor and then get 4 weeks of PT. They will help identify if you have weak areas in your legs.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Try some cheapo knee 'braces' from the know the compression ones that slide on?

    Like this but it doesn't even have to have an open patella:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1199&bih=779&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10592709136608143578&sa=X&ei=aEetT6TeFMqwiQL34LD2Aw&sqi=2&ved=0CKACEPICMAQ

    And ice right away after you run.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have the Mizuno Wave Rider 8s and they are like perfect for my feet/stride all that.... I'm thinking it's because it's new for me... I just started last week.... I'm gonna try gettin those wraps and some icyhot or somethin.... The first week it was my calves that were super sore, but they are fine now, so I'm sure now my knees will adjust too :love: