Do you always eat back your exercise cals?



  • rininger85
    rininger85 Posts: 131
    If you are eating at a calorie deficit, than you should eat back your exercise calories. If you are eating at maintenance, than you don't need to.

    agreed, I put in I want to lose 2 lbs per week which MFP set me at something like a 900 calorie defecit so my goal is 1600 calories per day, so I should eat the calories I burn because MFP has already set the defecit and it gives credit for the calories burned, but I'm only eating what I need to not be hungry... in just a couple of weeks of doing this my body has mostly adjusted to being used to the 1600 calories so I'm not hungry all the time... so I don't always eat the extra cals that exercise allows me.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you are on a low carb diet, such as Atkins, and you are in ketosis (usually less than about 20-40 carbs per day), it doesn't matter how many calories you eat as long as you maintain your low carb status.

    And.. the first week on almost any diet will result in a big water-weight loss.

    Wait, what??? Are you saying that total cals are irrelevant as long as carbs stay under 40g per day? That's absurd. Excess cals, regardless of type of cal, WILL lead to weight gain.