need help on what to eat.... 1200 calorie diet..



  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    If you are flexible, sucking on your toes is low cal
  • JoLo27
    JoLo27 Posts: 54 Member
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I also live alone and high recommend in investing in some nice tupperware (or glass storage-ware) so that you can freeze portions of low-cal/fat lasagna, stews, spaghetti sauce. soups, chicken, etc. I find that if I'm really tired and don't have the motivation to cook, I just pull out one of my ready-made dinners (that *I* made, so I know what's in it and it isn't loaded with salt) and nuke it. Also, since I portion it out for one person, it's ready to go and I don't have to measure!

    Best of luck to you!
  • bunnyklutz
    bunnyklutz Posts: 17 Member
  • travellernikki
    travellernikki Posts: 31 Member
    Just spent 15 minutes browsing Looks amazing! Can't wait to try these, and they have 7 day and 28 day plans on different calorie levels. Awesome!
  • barbara4599
    barbara4599 Posts: 114 Member
    Salad is always an easy choice. I chop & prep on the weekend so I have things ready in the fridge to toss together. I also made a list of my favorite fixings - different vegetables, beans, meats, cheeses, etc. and keep it stuck to the fridge. Now I can throw something together quick and easy!
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    BUY A BOX OF WHOLE GRAIN PASTA. I swear you can do so many things with it. These are my favorite brands - Barilla PLUS and Barilla Whole Grain. Up to 7 grams of fiber per serving and insanely filling and versatile. I use linguine and bow tie.

    Linguine is good for asian-style dishes like teriyaki noodles with grilled chicken or shrimp. OR noodle soups. Some of my favorite recipes are also chicken & broccoli alfredo (there are low-calorie alfredo sauce recipes out there that are frighteningly similar to the real thing) and stir fry veggies with noodles.
  • Warley_x
    Warley_x Posts: 62
  • Thanks for posting all these great websites. I will be looking into them today.
  • jazgale
    jazgale Posts: 16
    I have been on 1200 calorie diet for about 3 months.. and i live alone.. i just dont know what to eat..
    I have lost almost 30 lbs... just have a hard time figuring out what to fix for dinner is my hardest part.
    any suggestions??

    Hi!! you should check out my Food Diary for the past week.
    My diet has stayed within the 1200 Kcal. and have been eating really healthy. Lot's of proteins for a good work out, lot's of veggies, and very little carbs, to lose the extra pounds.

    You can always reach me at my inbox, if you need any help or have any questions!! have a beautiful day.
  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member