Wedding Rings Too Loose!



  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    I was thinking the yarn, too. Flashback to high school days and wearing the guy's class ring LOL. And, when I was a size 3

    I was thinking about the class rings too lol:)
  • lisagyo
    lisagyo Posts: 20 Member
    Necklace is a great idea! I had to take mine in to get sized from an 8.5 to 6.25 after I lost 50lbs. GREAT FEELING!
  • Shaigirl79
    Shaigirl79 Posts: 52 Member
    Wow! Thanks everyone for all the great suggestions!!! I'll try wearing them on another finger until I can make it to the jewelry store. Not sure if a guard will work though. My skin is very sensitive and I fear something like that may irritate it. If so, I'll have to give the necklace idea a try! :-)
  • Candoall
    Candoall Posts: 81 Member
    Go to the jewelery store and get a ring guard

    My suggestion also. Hubby took me to a jeweler who attached a ring guard onto my wedding set for $10!! .....and as i contine to lose weight, I have adjusted the guard as needed ( really easy to do at home).
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    My husband bought me a 'keeper ring' which I wear in front of my wedding and engagement rings which are much too big these days. It will do for now, but I will have to get a resize eventually. The only problem is that my wedding ring belonged to my late mother and she wore it for over fifty years, I hate the thought of having it made smaller x