wt gain early in pregnancy, possible factors?

I feel the need to post this to get some input from others. First I would like to say I lost almost 90 lbs last year and maintained my 145-148 range for months. My husband and I planned this pregnancy, it took a while to get pregnant. I couldn't get pregnant with my normal wt range, so after moving across country/vacationing and gaining about 5 lbs back we finally got a positive test! the day I tested I was 154, the highest for my height to be healthy! I am now 158-160 and quite honestly not happy about it. I have been trying to maintain during this first trimester, but have failed miserably! 3 big factors that I think are contributing are: 1. Quit smoking, 2. Exhaustion=lack of exercise or serious decline in exercise, 3. Increase in carbs, only food item that makes nausea subside(previously I had a relatively low carb lifestyle). After thinking about it my calorie intake may also be affecting my weight. I have my goals set to maintenance which is 1900 for me but I typically consume 1300-1500, and when I do exercise I don't eat those cals back at all. I know with my weight loss journey anytime I was under my bmr, I would gain weight quickly. So I am thinking maybe this is occurring now. My first appt isn't until another 2 wks so I will be almost out of the first trimester but I really would like to stay this weight! I just wanted to see if any of my possible factors could really influence this wt gain and so quickly. I also just need encouragement that it's ok, And hopefully this will slow down! Sorry for the long post, but I'm really needing advice/input! I am starting to increase my cals today, so hoping this helps!


  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Seriously don't be hard on yourself. Stay active as much as you can and try to eat as balanced as you can. It will get easier once you get into the second trimester and you're not as sick.
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    First off -- congrats! I recently had to adjust mine to gain weight since I'm preggo too :)

    I haven't been eating any differently and I've been exercising more, but I've gained weight as well. I think most of it is water weight...I am so bloated! It's starting to come back down though because I think my body is getting adjusted to the increase in water that I've been drinking (about 90oz/day). Just relax, eat a balaced diet and exercise daily. Gotta give that little bean what it needs!
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    My advice would be to eat healthy and not stress about the scale too much. There are "guidelines" for how much weight to gain in each trimester (and how many extra calories)and use them as that. But, if you are eating healthy foods thenThere are a lot of factors that cause weight gain throughout pregnancy...hormone shifts, water retention, increased blood volume, etc.

    When I got pregnant with my first child I was doing WW to lose the 10 lbs I had gained since college. I bought a new skirt for a wedding and felt good that I had lost 8 lbs. The next week the skirt was too tight. I didn't even know I was pregnant yet and hadn't changed my eating at all.

    I'm not saying to go crazy and let yourself eat whatever you want whenever you want, but it isn't healthy to be so worried about weight gain, either.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Some people, like me, just put on weight like it's nothing while pregnant. With my second pregnancy I made a conscious effort to eat right and be active but I still put on like 20 lbs in the first trimester, and then at 14 wks I had a severe hemorrhage and was put on bed rest.... The doctor said it was probably from my activity... I almost lost my son. :( Gaining the weight was worth having a healthy baby, so my advice to you is to just walk, alot, and not to put any strain on areas that involve your core. Eat right the best you can, and focus more on the overall health of you and your baby rather than weight gain. For some of us women it just cannot be avoided.
  • Alexis14351
    Alexis14351 Posts: 23
    There are several things that cause weight to raise when you first get pregnant, such as water retention and blood volume. Keep in mind that your bmr and maintenance calorie amounts go up by a couple hundred calories (at least) while you are building a person. As long as you are eating healthy, taking your prenatal vitamins, and getting a decent amount of activity in (walking is great) you will be fine and shouldn't have too much of an issue taking whatever amount you gain off after baby comes. You don't need to double your intake, but if you are hungry EAT. I ate so much chicken noodle soup and drank juice during the first tri, because it didn't taste awful when I inevitably threw most of it back up haha

    My honest advice would be to only weigh-in at dr. appointments, so you don't make yourself crazy with numbers :) Also, congratulations!
  • Update: as of yesterday we found out the baby has no heart beat and I will miscarry soon. I'm very saddened and upset about this but know God has a plan for me.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm sorry to hear your update. Sending positive thoughts your way..