Clearing Some Things Up BMR And Weightloss



  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    fel like being an *kitten*............. these methids are garbage. lol yup i said it. i am sorry if i offend, but tru, i have lost 30 poundsin the last 2 months from eatin g way under where i am quote un quote supposed to eat, and i am not sick or tired all the time, i have more energy, i am stronger, i am seeing muscles, i am jogging further, and i feel 10000 times better, so if that is me failing i would rather fail. cause i see people on here stressing about eating to little, then people eating pizza and candy going yeah but i am still under my calories. wow special much????? when i am down 100 pounds in the next 8 months i will send yall a hello way back at the starting line :)

    I know I'm thinner just from all the work it took trying to understand your post.

    Spelling, grammar, punctuation... kinda like calories huh? Who needs em?!!!
    i made my post in a hurry and who cares about grammer, it's a forum.

    Um, because it makes your post easier to understand. You can give the best advice in the world, but if no one can understand you, what good is it?

    ^^I agree. I am from the UK and It took me ages trying to understand what was being wrote, I gave up!