Relationship with food.

From High school into my early twenties I was healthy, thin, and happy. I'm 5'6ish and I stayed in the 125-135 range, always. My relationship with food was great. I ate healthy, I ate for fuel... not for taste. Of course I enjoyed my food, but I didn't eat for pleasure. I met my husband and my eating habits slowly changed, thus gained weight. When I got to 160 I panicked It was the highest I had ever been. Shortly there after I found out I was pregnant. I ate healthy during my pregnancy and gained 27lbs, which is in the normal and healthy range. After giving birth I was completely disgusted with my body. I managed to drop 22lbs right away after delivering my son. Over the last 8 months I'm down another 11 lbs. But as of recent, out of pure panic and disgust, I'm going to extreme measures to drop this weight and I'm not happy with where I am mentally (in relation to food).

So I guess my post is really wanting to know your relationship with food is? Fuel or pleasure? And why do I associate fried, bad, sweet food with pleasure? It never used to be such a huge pleasure... I could have a little and then not have that bad food for a long time and did not feel deprived! Now eating healthy is such a chore and I end up rewarding myself with bad food and wine. Not good! Help!