Im quitting even before i have started

Ive been telling myself im going on a diet and going to exercise to get fit and i still havnt done anything. all i want to do is eat and its not healthy food either. I dont know how im going to get over this eating problem. I really need some help. Where do i start??? :'(


  • Skeedaaddle
    Skeedaaddle Posts: 7 Member
    I started by entering EVERYTHING on this site. I did not tell myself that I had to change but I kept track. When you end a day and t tells you what you would weigh in 5 weeks if you continued that way you WILL change. Even if it is just cutting out the high calorie things. I joined a gym with a year contract. A nice gym. I went everyday. No parties or Happy hours unless I went to the gym. At first I said I only have to stay half an hour. Then I upped it.
    Baby steps. Change one thing.
    Another trick ou can try is instead of taking something away add something. Instead of saying no McDonalds tell yourself you have to eat a banana before every lunch break.
    Good luck!!!
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    First of all, you're not going on a diet. You are going to be making healthier food choices and adding in exercise.

    I eat what I want, I just make it fit into my calorie goal. Some days my choices are healthier than others. For me healthy food choices are a work in progress.

    As for exercise, you just have to make yourself do it. Sometimes I can't exercise until 9pm or later but I do it. I never regret exercising, no matter how much I don't want to do it. I always regret not exercising.

    Each day is an opportunity for you to move closer to your goal.
  • DippyD87
    DippyD87 Posts: 20
    But its easier said then done, im honestly failing and cant seem to get out of this deep hole
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    healthy eating-take each day as it comes, make small changes over the day, and log all you eat,makes you more aware to make changes-you can do this step by step,good luck
  • DippyD87
    DippyD87 Posts: 20
    i see your point about not seeing it as a diet,but im so used to eating junk how can i stop it??
  • DippyD87
    DippyD87 Posts: 20
    i will try :S
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    But its easier said then done, im honestly failing and cant seem to get out of this deep hole

    Do you know why you're struggling? If you can answer that question, great! If not, then that's where you need to start.

    If it's because it all seems overwhelming, start by making small changes. Add exercise to your routine. Once you get that going, then start working on portion control. Then, move on to making changes in the foods that you eat. After that, add more things to your exercise routine to vary it.

    Breaking it down can help make it not so overwhelming to make the changes. Usually, people will fail b/c they go all in and it's too much change all at once to manage (physically, emotionally, or demand on time, etc.), so they feel like they're failing and they give up.
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    i agree....start just by tracking and seeing what your eating, then make small changes, incorporate working out, slowly, not all at once.
  • gunjan16g
    gunjan16g Posts: 3
    Simple try to find some replacement foods for the junk, like replace soda with iced green tea, try it it tastes even better then that !!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I think you need to have something specific to work on. MFP makes it easy... Even if you don't actually change anything, just log everything you eat for two weeks. It will give you a good idea of what changes you need to make when you ARE ready to make them.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Don't buy junk! Just don't let it be an option anymore/ Use your willpower. Pretend it will kill you if you put it in your mouth. That's how I stopped eating fries and chips because once I started, I could not stop. Now, I'm at a point where I can eat a few and stop, but until I could limit my portions I would not eat them.

    If you can't quit cold turkey, start with one thing like chips or candy. Then keep taking away more things.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i used to eat tons of junk and really the only thing that finally got me out of it was being committed to my favorite part of weight loss which is the exercise component.

    i was finding that there was no way i could get through my kickboxing classes, lifting, running, etc if i was primarily putting junk calories in my body.
  • DippyD87
    DippyD87 Posts: 20
    im struggling because i love to eat and i wouldnt say im that active either, i work but thats as much activity i do
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    baby steps! i ate junk food all the time too, but i soon began packing my lunches for work instead of running out to grab a burger. i also gave up soda for lent...and guess what? it was easier than i thought. i'm still soda-free. :)

    if you're not ready to give up junk food, at least start by logging it into your diary. the numbers will soon make you want to opt for other food choices. :)
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    You will succeed better if you want to do this, like quitting anything, you can only really do it if you want to. You can pretend but you are only kidding yourself and opening yourself up to failure.

    Maybe you need to ask yourself why you want to change your habits, or why you find it so hard. Is it convenience of the bad stuff around? It could be a modern day sugar and salt addiction. When I started changing my eating habits I found that after a few days I wasn't craving the bad stuff and I was starting to feel more energised and raring to continue with the change in lifestyle.

    Logging everything in MFP and getting some support from people in the same situation makes the journey that little bit easier.

    I am sure you can do this. Prove it to yourself! Good luck!

    (oh and I should have said, you don't have to cut out the bad stuff totally, start by cutting down and replacing some with healthier options. Denying yourself totally will make you crave it more)
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    If you're not dedicated, you won't do it. It's that simple.

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and asking yourself "why" you can't stop eating junk and STOP EATING JUNK. If you are unable to do that basic thing, no one can help you. Not even the highest paid personal trainer on Earth.

    You have to help yourself first and it doesn't sound like you want to.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Starting is the biggest step. Deciding you are going to do it, and then take that first step. Just don't set unrealistic goals. Maybe start exercising, and not dieting, that way you can eat like normal, and then when you start feeling better from the exercise, it will motivate you to change your diet! I am like you. I like to eat and dieting is not my thing. My BF is 6' tall and weighs 250 lbs. I can eat as much as he can. I am 5'4 and 127 lbs. But since I started working out (almost 2 weeks ago) it has motivated me to change my eating habits as well, even though my goal isn't to really lose weight, but to tone up. Good luck.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Don't buy the junk, problem solved. It's not that hard really.
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Years ago I went to a Dietician for a few months. The first thing she had me do was write down everything that went into my mouth; sort of like MFP does. It shocked me into cutting way back on my eating. You might try that or go on a cleansing fast for a couple of days. Fruit juice, fruit and veggies for a couple of days might snap you out of some of the eating problems. First of all, it's like smoking. You really have to want to do it to quit. My father always said there is only three ways for an addict to change. One, a 12 step program. Two, a near death experience and three, a revelation of God. I'm not suggesting any of these although the third one got me off of a three pack a day cigarette habit 16 years ago. Letting yourself get really hungry sometimes will put food into the right perspective. Good luck and think positive. We can do anything we really want to do.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Just log your food and stick to your calorie goal. Don't worry about WHAT you are eating, just worry about HOW MUCH you are eating. Once you get a handle on that, you can start looking for different foods, and slowly swap out some of the "junk" for healthier foods.

    Don't do it all at once, take it one step at a time. Also, don't get rid of all the junk, as that's just asking for failure, 10%-20% of your diet can be horrible junk food, and you will still be perfectly healthy as long as the other 80% is good.