Last Birth Control Pill............



  • marchmommy09
    ive always been told NOBODY will ever be completely ready for a child...not financially, or any other way. yes its true some are better off than others but thats doesnt mean everything. Dont stress over all that stuff. do the things you can do now but dont let all that stuff go against you and having a baby. If you are in the time of your life where you want a baby and can provide for the baby and are a good mommy type then have your baby. just make sure the environments safe and clean for baby and that you can give baby what it needs (diapers etc) but dont worry about everything cause things will work out as time goes trust me. My fiance works 2 jobs and ive been looking since may for a job and cant find one and we live in an apartment that we hate but our 4 month old has everything he needs we provide him with love food clothes diapers and the place is clean for him and we are happy. We didnt have all our stuff done (all our ducks in a row) but we are gradually getting it done in time. we dont let stuff overwhelm us. Trust me things work out in time dont rush all of it. do what you can handle at the moment and nothing more until you can do it. but dont let everything get in the way of your happiness with a little bundle of joy. We dont have much in our lives but my fiance and i are making it and are happy that we had our baby.