Hello all! ...

Hey everyone! I installed the MFP app on my phone and started logging my meals (etc.) on April 30, so not quite 2 weeks ago, and just found the message boards the other day. What a great community!

So far I've just been changing my eating habits a bit, and trying to get a little exercise in when I can. I'm a stay at home mom with an almost 1 year old ... so sometimes exercise time is sparse, but I'm crazy busy anyhow! LOL!

I have 4 boys, 2 step-daughters, and recently had a stillborn (Feb 29) baby boy as well. So, I have about 25 to 35 lbs of left-over pregnancy weight I'd like to loose.

So far I've found the hardest thing for me is forcing myself to NOT give up! It's hard sometimes when my family is eating something super yummy that I know is just way too many calories for me, so I have to eat something else! LOL! I'm a food lover, and sticking to the "good stuff" and avoiding some of the yummies like pizza and deserts is HARD!

I made some low calorie cookies today to give myself a little treat to eat when the kids and my hubby are munching away on my homemade baking and I know I just can't. They're okay, but definitely not like my usual cookies! But, I'm sticking with it anyways!

Anyhow, any tips and advice would be great! And please feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the motivation I can get!

Good luck to you all! <3