PCOS - Any diet tips



  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I have PCOS and these are some rules that I have come up for myself:

    I have a general rule that I like to follow with all labeled fruits (non-frutis and vegetables)

    Protein + Fiber >> Sugar

    I have recently cut out as much added sugar as I can and I do not eat any bleached flour products.

    Also exercise! Even a few small walks throughout the day or a nice long walk after dinner add up and help curb insulin spikes. If you have had a lot of sugar or refined carbohydrates one day, consider adding in a bit of extra exercise to help burn it off and get it out of your blood stream.

    Best of luck!

    Edit: I haven't read any yet, but I heard a lot of Dr. Hyman's books are good for women with PCOS, diabetes or insulin resistance.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    CINNAMON! Really! ...

    "It is cinnamon’s effect on blood sugar that makes it a potential help in the war against obesity, insulin resistance, sometimes known as "prediabetes," and the "Metabolic Syndrome."


    I drink 2 bags (with lots of water) of Bengal Spice Tea every day and it really seems to help. I do not refrigerate it, it is naturally sweet and helps me to get the water intake I need
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I use cinnamon everyday as well!
  • hides89
    hides89 Posts: 6 Member
    I've just started on Metformin (2x500mg a day) and I can hardly eat anything - food is making me feel sick, although I am making myself eat!

    I've cut down on sugar alot. I never realised how much sugar I had on a day to day basis before I started using MFP.

    I don't have any white carbs if I can help it & am trying to eat lots of veg.

    The one thing that's helped me the most is eating little and often, so having three main meals (although they are small) & then having little bits to snack on to help my blood sugar levels.

    Hopefully I can start doing this again, once the metformin stops making me nauseous! (does anyone know when that subsides?)
  • ruckus2
    ruckus2 Posts: 6 Member
    I have PCOS and am insulin resistant as well... I try to follow the Belly Fat Cure and I take both chromium and cinnamon. It's not really hard to follow and knocks out just about all cravings. When I am actually "following the rules" my body regulates itself, I feel a whole lot better and I lose weight...

    Metphormin made me sick to my stomach all day every day. I couldn't take it anymore and my Endocrinologist suggested cinnamon instead.
  • Ickaboo
    Ickaboo Posts: 20
    Im only taking half of my metformin pill everyday, so feeling sick from eating only lasted a couple days for me. Doctor wanted to start with the lowest dosage possible and up it if we needed to.