Routine Development: HELP!

kkova811 Posts: 89 Member
So im new at trying to build muscle and get, really new. Im about 5'11, 180, 21 years old. I went from 220 to my current weight and wanted to lose some more (and I probably will do so) but I want to start putting on muscle, stop being flabby, and get toned. I was wondering if anyone can help with their routines or suggest routines for a beginner like me? Id really appreciate it, and id love a strong explanation of what the heck im supposed to be doing. Also, I feel more comfortable with the machines and not free weights but whatever I need to do, right? Again, im not looking for huge muscles, just to be toned and have some lil baby muscles. Thanks guys!


  • Khaillu
    Khaillu Posts: 12 Member
    I would also benefit from this explanation! :D
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I haven't gotten to the point of really toning up but I have seen several people on here with success stories from strength training and Insanity workout. I would suggest searching through the forums for some of those workouts. Also, I've been looking into the workings of muscles and workout positions and if you need an in depth explanation of the workouts check out books like "Anatomy of Exercise" by Pat Manocchia. I don't know about all of the books but this one is really quick read but has detail in how to do the exercise and what muscle groups the exercises affect. Good luck.
  • Klamber26
    Klamber26 Posts: 212
    I've learned all this from, so I recommend you check out the site if you haven't.

    The fastest results for beginners come from doing a full-body routine 3 times a week. ABA, BAB format comprised of mostly compound lifts like squat, deadlift, bench-press.

    I'm a firm believer that diet is 80% of the battle, lifting 19%, and supplementation 1%.