There is a reason it's called "junk" food

Want to break the vicious addiction to eating fast food/junk food? Spend some time researching what is actually IN the foods you are eating. A hamburger bun from McDonald's contains ammonia, a chemical used in commercial fertilizers. It is designed to bleach the buns and act as a chemical preservative. Do you really want that going into your body? Ice cream toppings like jimmies or sprinkles contain the secretions of the lacquer bug. Yes, BUG secretions. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream contains human hair to give it that smooth, soft texture. Jamie Oliver did a whole segment on the REAL ingredients in junk food. His lesson I learned was "if it has ingredients you can't pronounce or don't recognize, DONT EAT IT."

Research, research, research.


  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    eh. it tastes good, fits in my calories and macros, and I enjoy it. no worries.
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    You could go farther than that and state that the best types of coffees come from beans that have already been digested by an animal. I love discovery channel. Oh and one of Jello's ingredients is the water bladder from a jelly fish. That one I looked up because I wanted to know what the scientific name meant. There are lots of things you eat that you REALLY don't want to know what's in them. The people that continue eating them after they know just don't care or are truly addicted.