UK to do away with the word "obese" in healthcare

This is just crazy to me:

When I stared in 2010, I was quite obese with a BMI of 34. Realizing this was my wake-up call that shocked me out of denial and into living better and being healthier. I don't understand what doing away with the terminology is going to do for any obese person other than continue to feed into their denial about their weight and continue to support a society that is all about avoiding hurt feelings instead of encouraging better living. The term "obese" is a medical term, not a derogatory one.



  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome to the UK. Taking PC to completely unreal levels.
  • jleach
    jleach Posts: 38 Member
    I have to agree. If they do away with one word, they'll just have to come up with another to replace it.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Haha, I am subscribed to this news source because of my political science class!

    Anyway. I don't think obese should be a derogatory term. It's a medical term, and I think it should still be used.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have to agree. If they do away with one word, they'll just have to come up with another to replace it.

    According to the article, they are simply going to ask doctors to encourage obese patients to "get to a healthier weight."
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have to agree. If they do away with one word, they'll just have to come up with another to replace it.

    According to the article, they are simply going to ask doctors to encourage obese patients to "get to a healthier weight."
    I can just imagine the doctors notes.
    'Patient is of a large circumference. Extreme level of girth has been reached and therefore patient needs to get to a healthier weight'.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have to agree. If they do away with one word, they'll just have to come up with another to replace it.

    According to the article, they are simply going to ask doctors to encourage obese patients to "get to a healthier weight."
    I can just imagine the doctors notes.
    'Patient is of a large circumference. Extreme level of girth has been reached and therefore patient needs to get to a healthier weight'.

    EXACTLY. That sounds much more derogatory than "obese."
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I agree when used properly, the term obese is a medical term. And, honestly I think most people who are that big (myself included here!) actually do know somewhere inside that they ARE that big and it's not healthy. As many people here have mentioned, hearing that term applied to them has been the wake up call they needed to get healthy. There is such a thing as TOO p.c.!
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Next they'll be like calling a diabetic a diabetic is offensive. Come on, obesity is a medical term.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have to agree. If they do away with one word, they'll just have to come up with another to replace it.

    According to the article, they are simply going to ask doctors to encourage obese patients to "get to a healthier weight."

    Being somebody who "needs to get to a healthier weight," I think hearing that I am obese would have more of an effect on me. I mean, when I was just overweight, I needed to get to a healthier weight, but hearing "obese" would make me serious about losing weight.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    "Mentally Retarded" was once a valid term as well, and had a real meaning. Now there are campaigns to stamp out the word. Anything can get bastardized in usage. And there is always someone waiting to claim offense.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    "Mentally Retarded" was once a valid term as well, and had a real meaning. Now there are campaigns to stamp out the word. Anything can get bastardized in usage. And there is always someone waiting to claim offense.

    I agree. The word "retarded" has become derogatory in slang language, so I can see the point there, but not with the term "obese" really. I rarely hear of the word "obese" being used in a derogatory fashion.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Have to say I agree!! My wake up call didn't come until my BMI was 30.6 and was told I was obese. That term was more than enough for me to get moving and start dropping the weight!!
    "Mentally Retarded" was once a valid term as well, and had a real meaning. Now there are campaigns to stamp out the word. Anything can get bastardized in usage. And there is always someone waiting to claim offense.

    This is also an excellent point to make. I wonder what term will replace 'Obese?' Weightly handicapped?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    "Dude quit acting so obese".

    Yeah, I don't think it works.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Have to say I agree!! My wake up call didn't come until my BMI was 30.6 and was told I was obese. That term was more than enough for me to get moving and start dropping the weight!!
    "Mentally Retarded" was once a valid term as well, and had a real meaning. Now there are campaigns to stamp out the word. Anything can get bastardized in usage. And there is always someone waiting to claim offense.

    This is also an excellent point to make. I wonder what term will replace 'Obese?' Weightly handicapped?

    The article said they would encourage doctors to use the phrase "you should get to a healthier weight" instead of "you are obese." I suppose they could use it in charting?? Not sure.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    What's the current term they use for clinically underweight people?

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    What's the current term they use for clinically underweight people?


    I suppose "underweight"??? I dunno...

    Nobese would work though.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You kick *kitten*, by the way.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You kick *kitten*, by the way.

    I take names too. :wink:
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    This is just crazy to me:

    When I stared in 2010, I was quite obese with a BMI of 34. Realizing this was my wake-up call that shocked me out of denial and into living better and being healthier. I don't understand what doing away with the terminology is going to do for any obese person other than continue to feed into their denial about their weight and continue to support a society that is all about avoiding hurt feelings instead of encouraging better living. The term "obese" is a medical term, not a derogatory one.


    That is just like the sizes in clothing, I have a pair of jeans from before I was married that are size 11/12 28 years ago but when comparing them to a pair of size 6 that my daughter use to wear they are about the same size. Head games are not healthy.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    This is just crazy to me:

    When I stared in 2010, I was quite obese with a BMI of 34. Realizing this was my wake-up call that shocked me out of denial and into living better and being healthier. I don't understand what doing away with the terminology is going to do for any obese person other than continue to feed into their denial about their weight and continue to support a society that is all about avoiding hurt feelings instead of encouraging better living. The term "obese" is a medical term, not a derogatory one.


    That is just like the sizes in clothing, I have a pair of jeans from before I was married that are size 11/12 28 years ago but when comparing them to a pair of size 6 that my daughter use to wear they are about the same size. Head games are not healthy.

    Vanity sizing is a serious problem too. Totally with you there.