Best Way To Boil Eggs?



  • kaila666
    kaila666 Posts: 15 Member
    Get an EGGIE! They are the best no shell taking off!!!! Love it!
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I just boiled a dozen eggs tonight for Mother's Day potato salad! I started with cold water, added the eggs, brought to a rolling boil, took off the heat, covered the pan and let them sit for 45 minutes. Then I put them in cold water. Since they were fresh eggs (just bought them tonight), I had trouble shelling them, so I cracked the ends on the counter and rolled them a little to get some air in, and put them back in the water for about 10 minutes. I rolled them lightly in my hands and the shells slid right off.

    I've never heard of baking eggs with the shell on them, but I'm willing to give it a try!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Bake them!! :) As suggested earlier in the thread. I have seen it suggested using 325 or 350 degrees with 25-30 minutes depending on the size of the eggs.

    I've done it before and love how they turned out.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    Another Alton Brown fan here. His never-fail steamed egg trick: eggs at room temperature, put in a steamer basket over about an inch of water, cover and bring to a boil. Let steam for 11 minutes. Turn off, transfer eggs to an ice water bath to quick cool for 10 minutes or so, and they're perfect - easy to peel, too.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    place eggs in saucepan with tap water.

    bring to rolling boil

    switch off stove and remove saucepan from heat.

    let it sit COVERED for 15 mins.

    Peel eggs and enjoy the firm but not dry yellow yolk inside.

    i hate greyish yolks:grumble:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Eggs that don't peel easily are too fresh for boiling. It doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. I always keep some in the frig for a week just to boil them.

    I put eggs in a saucepan, cover them with water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes only and just simmer, no boiling. Then I take the pan off the burner, cover, set a timer for 10 minutes and let them finish cooking. When the timer goes off (and this is important if you don't want green eggs!) ,drain and run cold water over the eggs until cool enough to peel. It always works. Then I peel them all under running water and store in the frig. I use them for everything and if I don't use the yolks, I give them to my cat. She loves them!

    Also, to test the age of your eggs, put them in water. If they stay on the bottom, they are very fresh. If they til upwards, they are still fresh enough to use. If they float above the bottom of your container, throw them out! Over time, air gets inside the egg shell and the older they get, the more they float.
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    So many different ways to do this.

    I have baked before but I thought they tasted different. might have been a mental thing.

    Cooks magazine suggests this:
    eggs in pan, cover with cold water so the water is 1 inch above.
    bring to a boil.
    remove from heat, cover, sit for 10 minutes.
    then dunk in ice bath for 5 minutes.

    i did this the other day and they are perfect, no green yolks!
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    My eggs crack when I boil them. I found out by putting less eggs in the pot they don't do that. I also let the eggs warm up to room temperature before cooking. I boil them for 10-15 min and put in cold water. I find some brands of eggs peel easier than others. I buy the carton that I know peels easily.