Reached fat intake for the day, but have more calories

kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
I have reached my allowed fat intake for the day and I still have 693 calories left. I am still hungry. Do I eat?


  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Eat until u reach your calories goal. It doesn't matter that u went over on your fat intake, that's going to happen once in a while. But you do need to net your calorie goal to lose weight.
  • Yes!
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    HAHAHA!!! I was going over my food for the day and thought my bagel looked funny... it listed ZERO carbs. So I changed it and guess what!!! I have 17 fat left. I feel better now.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Tuna, Fat free yogurt, whole oats....
  • hvstmoon1
    hvstmoon1 Posts: 5
    Depends on what you plan on eating. Have fruit. Nuts have healthy fat. There are so many contributing factors. Are you drinking enough water? That will curb your appetite. So will vitamin C or caffeine, but it is kinda late in the day for caffeine. But my thought is if you're really hungry, then eat, but if you're snacking because it's what you normally do, do something else.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Short answer - yes

    Slightly longer answer. Firstly, if you are using MFPs default settings - they are really low for fats. Secondly, your fat target (and protein) should really be considered a minumum. Going over is fine, as long as you day is balanced with nutritious food.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    HAHAHA!!! I was going over my food for the day and thought my bagel looked funny... it listed ZERO carbs. So I changed it and guess what!!! I have 17 fat left. I feel better now.

    The problem with MFP (though I think it great) is that most of the database entries are made by users and are wrong in quite a few instances. I usually check to see how many confirmations that entry had (the more the better), as well as making sure the numbers made sense (as in the zero carb bagel you noticed).
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    YES you should eat, pay more attention to calories not the other stuff, after awhile of logging you will be eating better and most likely stay under on the other stuff too. good luck
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    HAHAHA!!! I was going over my food for the day and thought my bagel looked funny... it listed ZERO carbs. So I changed it and guess what!!! I have 17 fat left. I feel better now.

  • hvstmoon1
    hvstmoon1 Posts: 5
    Eat until u reach your calories goal. It doesn't matter that u went over on your fat intake, that's going to happen once in a while. But you do need to net your calorie goal to lose weight.

    Not true! If that were the case then Mose days I would be eating well Over 1800 calories where my goal before exercise is 1350, I know that if I want to lose weight I need to keep my calorie intakeright around 1500. If it doesn't matter if ou go over on your fat intake we would all be eating McDonald's fat is fat unless you know which fats you are eating. Is your fat coming from butter or olive oil? Potato chips or nuts? In both case the latter is actually good for you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Eat until u reach your calories goal. It doesn't matter that u went over on your fat intake, that's going to happen once in a while. But you do need to net your calorie goal to lose weight.

    Not true! If that were the case then Mose days I would be eating well Over 1800 calories where my goal before exercise is 1350, I know that if I want to lose weight I need to keep my calorie intakeright around 1500. If it doesn't matter if ou go over on your fat intake we would all be eating McDonald's fat is fat unless you know which fats you are eating. Is your fat coming from butter or olive oil? Potato chips or nuts? In both case the latter is actually good for you.

    What she said IS true (kind of). From a weigh loss perspective, fat is fat. From a nutrition perspective, yes there are better fats than others.

    Edited as I just gave the poster of the first quote an unintentional gender re-assignment. Sorry :flowerforyou:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Have a fat, and fiber will help you stay full.