The final Meltdown 7.9.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Good mornin all
just dropping in real quik I have a lot to do this morning before I am gone for the next two days taking my cousin back to yankee country . I will not be back to post until monday when I come back to work. I hope yall haver a great weekend :drinker:


  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    you too! :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    Will do strength class today - trying to figure out why in May in less than 4 weeks I lost 10 pounds and now I'm in my second week of nothing-just doesn't make sense - it's frustrating but not frustrating that I am giving up or anything like that.

    Will be focusing on increasing my speed on my 3 mile run this week - I've already in 1 week cut 1m18s off the time - I'd like to get it to around 36m - right now I am at 41.10...that's still slower than a lot of people BUT I am proud of it and will take it one step at a time to get faster and stronger!
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Hi everyone! Didn't get here yesterday but I'm very happy I weighed myself today and down 2 lbs!!! I have trouble not weighing myself but that is 2lbs since last Friday.

    I did good logging so far but I am worried about today because they are giving us FREE pizza and wings for lunch at work. Now I ate a light breakfast and will still have my morning snack because I can't be too hungry or I will over indulge.

    If I totally skip it I know myself and I know this will set me up for craving it and I will finally give in and binge so it's better to just have a little today and get it over with. My plan is to eat 1 piece of pizza and 1 maybe 2 wings and most improtant is that I LOG It!!!!! At least the best I can since I am sure La Nova doesn't give out their nutritional information.

    I hate days like this! But life happens.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Morning guys!
    I think I finally broke my plauteau!! I am down a pound from yesterday.
    I exercised last night and stayed in my calories yesterday, I drank lots of water too.
    And best of all someone noticed my weight loss, ............finally!!!


    Stay healthy!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi Guys

    Well today is starting off well I did a 30 min workout on the treadmill ... I reached 129 HR 70% of the way ... big improvement from yesterday 117 HR 64% :happy:

    For brekkie after the workout I had a skim milk and fresh strawberries smoothie it was yummy :bigsmile:

    If the weather stays dry gonna get my :heart: :heart: girls out for a nice long walk in the woods :bigsmile:

    I'm trying to burn as many cals as poss before tomorrows weigh in as this week started off pretty crappy :blushing: I only got back on track on Tue :embarassed:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick checkin, since I'm back in town, but need to go drive to a town 60 miles away for an appt. with a client.
    Sounds like you all are doing great! Keep up the good work!
    Chrissy - it will come. And soon, I hope! I'll be watching for that 75! BTW, great new pic!
    Smadag - have a safe and happy journey. Cherish moments with your cousin.

    My goals: (drum roll)
    By Sept. 4th - lose 15 pounds, exercise at least 45 days, and drink 8 glasses of water as many days as I can. Deep breath - here I go!

    Here's to smart choices! Have a great Thursday!
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    Hi everyone... weigh again this morning... down to 148.8 still on TOM. Stayed on track yesterday, jogged on the treadmill for 30 minutes late last night because of the Parade. Had to really pushed myself to do it at 10:30. I ate a few candies here and there but yes I logged it all and still within my calories, so proud.

    Today is a chanllenge, as of now it was okay. Just got out of a meeting and ate mostly heathly stuff like fruits and 4 cubes of cheese. Ate 2 oz ham. This worked out great as I skipped breakfast at home and had above stuff at 9:30.

    I am going to a lunch meeting, work always provided dessert... I'm nervous.
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Good Morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Up .2 of a pound this am.........probably didn't eat enough yesterday. Still had a few
    things left in my lunch box.

    It's my Friday, DH has a four day weekend and wants to head out of town tomorrow, up
    to Solvang or up the coast...I always worry when I get away from my structure.

    At least I got enough sleep last nite so I won't be a zombie at work today!! And, didn't
    hit any fast food places for comfort food! :happy:

    Have a healthy day!

    Pam :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Chrissy - it will come. And soon, I hope! I'll be watching for that 75! BTW, great new pic!
    My goals: (drum roll)
    By Sept. 4th - lose 15 pounds, exercise at least 45 days, and drink 8 glasses of water as many days as I can. Deep breath - here I go!

    Here's to smart choices! Have a great Thursday!

    I love you r new pic too! I realized how messy my office is when I posted the picture! Oh well - it's so rare for me to actually straighten my hair and not just pull it back I had to post it!

    I am so ready for the 75 but I keep fluctuating by a pound back and forth...
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    And a bright Thursday to you all!

    I got up at 5, went to the gym and rode hills on the bike for 45 minutes, and jogged on the treadmill for another 15 minutes. I had to take my brother to the doc for oral surgery, and intended to go back to do weights while he was under sedation... but they wouldn't let me! So now I have him home (he lives with me) and resting, but I can't leave the house and I can't go to work and I can't go back to the gym!!! Aaargh!

    He so owes me!
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    Hello all! Healthy choices all day today for me so far. Going to Curves after work to see if my name made it to the board for top losers of June - fingers crossed!:bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Chrissy - how do I put a quote in a post?

    If it makes you feel any better, didn't even notice the messy office until you pointed it out. I was too impressed with how good you are looking!
    My pic is my two grandsons in the special shorts I made them to wear for our bbq the Fourth. (I made myself wait until I lost 50 lbs. to post a picture.)

    Got to finish paperwork from my client - later! Mary
  • LiMer
    LiMer Posts: 112 Member
    Whew.... I am save. Today I was so sure I was going to go over my calories but ended up having 16 calories to spare.

    At the lunch meeting, I had 1 cup of left over fried rice and vanilla ice cream, I had my plain, the work provided. I gave half of mine to a co-worker and only ate half, I'm guessing about 1/3 of a cup. Not too bad.

    Got home, went to my daughter's conference. Got back home around 8 and went out jogging for 45 minutes and burn 320 calories. I also walk with a group at work for 30 minutes but I usually don't even count that as we walk pretty slow.

    Everyone did so well today, I'm so proud.

    Good luck tomorrow. Now, I will weigh in tomorrow and count if as it will be my official weigh in day.
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