Hello :)

Hey guys

Basically I'm 18 and trying to lose some weight, once I'm happy with my body fat percentage then I shall begin my bulk. Wanted to start using myfitnesspal just to keep track and motivated, making sure I eat the right things all the time. Started losing weight about 2 months ago (so far lost 7kgs) and my starting weight was 86 and currently is 79. My goal is to get it down to 70 in 2-3 months time and then start to add some muscle + size :). Here are some progress photos of me six weeks in, I know there is a lot of work to do but after 6 weeks I'm happy with the progress.


After (6 weeks after before photo)

Starting to get a bit of shape there, cant wait until I'm 70kg and then compare the photos again. Anyways, time for me to go do some exercise :).