
Is anyone else on here using the visalus nutri shake mix for meal replacements. My first week I lost two pounds what were some of ur long term effects?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    not used it, but I'm inquisitive.

    On Friday's food diary you used data for it that didn't have protein recorded and was spelled wrong "visuals"

    It's a 90 calorie shake so not a meal replacer, but i see you eat food with it so that's good. It looks to have 30% of the RDA of a whole list of vitamins etc, so three a day plus your food will satisfy those needs too. At 12g of protein per serving on its own it isn't enough but mixed with milk and other foods you seem to be doing OK.

    You're not using it as a very low calorie approach so I don't see any concerns for having it as part of a balanced diet.
  • sirtoks
    sirtoks Posts: 6 Member
    When you say long term effects, what do you mean? More energy, I have that. Less need to eat, I have that too. If you could break down what you asking, I can reply properly :happy:
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I ordered my kit on Friday and plan to begin the 90 day challenge this week.

    I've done a lot of research beforehand (and by "research", I mean internet research and talking to over 30+ friends who have tried it).

    Of all the friends I talked to, only 2 of them were not successful and actually gained weight on the plan. BUT both of them only tried one shake a day as opposed to two.

    "Long term effects" were more energy and overall feeling better. No negative effects that I was told.

    Hope that helps.