How much does drinking 8 glasses of water help?

silico Posts: 88 Member
I hardly ever reach the 8 glasses goal on MFP, so I was wondering if its really important and I am giving myself a disadvantage?

i just drink orange juice and diet Pepsi at the moment...


  • frillypantz
    frillypantz Posts: 134
    idk all the sciency benefits, but personally upping my water intake has helped me stop snacking, kept me feeling more alert and awake has just really helped my weight loss. Ive swapped about 80% of my diet drinks to water :)
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    honestly its a very small effect but it does help the body as a whole flushing out and keeping systems running your pee color it will tell you if you need to drink more water. you may not think so but your body may be dehydrated if you never drink water

    found a article though:
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It doesn't have to be water. 8 glasses worth of any fluid throughout the day will do.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Not quite WaterBunnie - coffee/alcohol are actually counter-productive as they further dehydrate you.

    Water is the best option for hydration as apart from helping to reduce appetite and flush toxins (sodium in particular) it also has zero calories.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Not quite WaterBunnie - coffee/alcohol are actually counter-productive as they further dehydrate you.

    Water is the best option for hydration as apart from helping to reduce appetite and flush toxins (sodium in particular) it also has zero calories.

    I agree that alcohol isn't ideal. Apparently though its a myth that they dehydrate you in that a pint of beer is still almost a pint of water. Alcohol is a diuretic though so you will pee more from it but you won't lose more than you have drunk.

    Your body doesn't know what's mixed in with the water so my decaf coffee can count as a cup of water - but yes, water is the purest way of taking it.

    All I mean is don't beat yourself up about it if you can't drink all 8 cups as plain water.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I hardly ever reach the 8 glasses goal on MFP, so I was wondering if its really important and I am giving myself a disadvantage?

    Hasn't been shown to be "really important" providing you're hydrated.

    Orange juice is a source of fructose and calories that isn't diet neutral though.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Decaf in many ways is worse than water - even though it is mainly water
    Your body doesn't know what's mixed in with the water so my decaf coffee can count as a cup of water - but yes, water is the purest way of taking it.

    Have you even read what you typed there ......
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    I've been told that you should drink half your body weight in water. I've been drinking anywhere from 80 - 100 ounces of water a day and it has done wonderful things for me!

    I don't feel as tired, I'm not as hungry, and I feel hydrated ... so I say drink up :drinker:

  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for all the reply's! There's lots of useful information here, and thanks for the links as well. I think that adding a few cups wont hurt, but I wont beat myself up if I miss 8 cups. :)
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    There is a lot of misinformation on this thread !
    Water is water. According to some people, herbal non caffeinated tea can also count as water. Anything else has something added to it which changes the properties of water.
    Juice and soda has added sugar, diet soda has controversial problematic chemicals (check out some of the other threads), gatorade can rehydrate you but you dont always need the extra electrolytes and calories, caffeine dehydrates you and if you have ever had a hangover I dont have to tell you that alcohol is problematic. Im not saying you cant drink these things, Im just saying they are not water.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Coffee doesn't really act as a diuretic unless you're consuming over 600mg of caffeine, so about 6 cups.

    To the OP: Why not try to get your water in and see how it makes you feel. You may not notice how it makes you feel but once you stop getting the water, pay attention to how you feel.

    One way to tell is to observe the color of your urine. The closer to clear it is, the better off your level of hydration is. Don't forget to account for any vitamins you may be taking which can alter the color of your urine.

    8 cups....1gallon...these are nothing but general guidelines. 8 cups for a 300lb man, is not going to bring levels of hydration to the same level as a 120lb female.

    If you want to get specific, 1 milliliter per calorie (1 liter per 1000 calories) if your generally inactive. 1.2 milliliter per calorie (1.2 liters per 1000 calories) if your active.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Aim for a gallon of water a day to ensure you're hydrated. It doesn't necessarily HAVE to be that much depending on bodyweight, but it's a safe play.

    I drink 1.5 to 2 gallons a day usually.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    The benefit is that your body is made up of mostly water, and it needs water to be healthy. When you drink other stuff, you're getting calories that you don't need, sugar that isn't good for you, gas that can bloat you and negatively impact bone density (from the soda), and it's not as hydrating as good old-fashioned water. Try to replace one drink a day with a big glass of water, and do that for a week or three, and then replace another. Pretty soon you won't miss the other junk, and you'll feel better for it. :)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Water is critical to hydration. Hydration is critical to your metabolism.
  • sarahsaur
    sarahsaur Posts: 18 Member
    This is just my experience, I went from drinking lots of diet soda a day to drinking mostly water and unsweetened tea, and I feel more energetic and less foggy. It's easy to get in your daily dose of water if you get one of those 24 oz reusable travel cups with the lid and straw, then you just have to drink a few glasses full and you're there! You'd be surprised how quickly you can down 24 oz of water, seriously.
  • sheryllamb72
    sheryllamb72 Posts: 163 Member
    I'll have a black coffee please...................... :drinker:
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Water controls hunger. Drink a glass before a meal, and you will eat less. A mug of water with a light snack fills you up. Also we tend to eat if we are thirsty, so by drinking water we forstall thirst. Water helps to wash away any internal debris resulting from burned off fat. It cleanses the body. And water has no calories, and is totally healthy.
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    Not quite WaterBunnie - coffee/alcohol are actually counter-productive as they further dehydrate you.

    Water is the best option for hydration as apart from helping to reduce appetite and flush toxins (sodium in particular) it also has zero calories.

    Did you hear about that guy who drank nothing but coffee and alcohol and died of dehydration???

    Me neither. Because it's never happened.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Not quite WaterBunnie - coffee/alcohol are actually counter-productive as they further dehydrate you.

    Water is the best option for hydration as apart from helping to reduce appetite and flush toxins (sodium in particular) it also has zero calories.

    Did you hear about that guy who drank nothing but coffee and alcohol and died of dehydration???

    Me neither. Because it's never happened.

    Exactly. My ex-brother-in-law drinks nothing but Coke, and he's still walking around living. Water is the healthiest option for hydration, but not because you can't get hydrated from other drinks.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    One thing I will say is that since I started drinking my 8 cups plus per day, people have really noticed my complexion.. they say my skin looks great! Honestly, it feels great too!