Going On Vaca how do I not pig out???

mpf1118 Posts: 28
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone!! I am going on vacation with my wonderful fam to South Carolina in a few weeks....we eat, drink, :drinker: and have a lot of fun together... :bigsmile:

.however, I am doing soooo good keeping track of my calories...but I really won't be using a computer, and how to I do this when your on vacation and you feel like you just want to let loose?????? I don't want to gain the little that I have lost.

HELP, ANY SUGGESTIONS??????????????????? Kind of worried....


  • Mrsfun44
    Mrsfun44 Posts: 19 Member
    Try to write it down in a little notepad. It keeps you aware of what you're eating. Enjoy your vacation!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I am worried about the same thing when we go on a cruise next month. I just feel that if I do gain while on vacation at least I know what to do to lose it again. I don't PLAN on eating a lot but if I do, I do. Hopefully I will always have the little guy on my shoulder reminding me of all my hard work.

    Just enjoy yourself and don't stress too much and remember, you know what to do to take it off again when you get back.

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    When I go somewhere I try and remember that this is my life, I've been a healthy eater most of my life but there are those days where I just want to be like forget it! ... then I try and stop to think, just remember that if you were to give in now you may give in every time you go somewhere which could add up thats for sure. Don't be too harsh on yourself though, try and get some exercise in and you will be fine, I agree about the writing everything down. Have fun on your vacation!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    No need to stress, it's vacation and yes, that doesn't mean you should eat everything in sight. Depending on where you are going just plan on taking a scenic 20-30 minute walk after dinner if you can or plan to get to the hotel gym a few times.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member

    Don't stress and enjoy your vacation. Make sure you drink plenty of water, and make an effort to take extra steps (such as chosing a parking space that isn't exactly close, taking the stairs instead of the steps or walking if a tram/other mode of transportation is available anything that adds to your activity level) in addition to taking a stroll every day.

  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Ooooohhhh! We have some of the BEST food here in SC! :wink: However, we do grow veggies & fruits! Make sure you have lots of them - they help fill you up without all the fat. :tongue:

    If you will be eating in lots of diners, etc, then just choose the meats that are not fried (cuz we do fry it all here, honey! & usually in really bad oils & fats, too!):ohwell:

    You know what to do to keep track of your cals on here, so you should be able to do the same with a little notebook. If your fam asks about it, just tell them that one vacation does not your life make. And keep on keeping on!

    Remember that it is still your vacation though & let yourself live a little. Just don't overdo it too much & I'm sure you'll be fine!:drinker:

    Enjoy my wonderful warm & lovely SC!:heart:
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    Maybe try to find an outdoor activity that you could enjoy with the fam. When I go to my parents house I always go for an nice hike/run in the woods to burn some of the calories I know I will be eating .In the winter there is this great indoor pool we got to. Once when I got home, I entered my calories and noticed that I was over for the weekend by over 3500 calories, which is a pound. And my family is very healthy. It is funny because I could of cut out the stupid snacking and the foods I ate so that I would not have eaten the bad stuff and if I would have cut those out I would have been much better off. Be careful with the alchohol- beer is very caloric. I usually drink wine but in a weekend with the fam I can drink 3 bottles (this is over a long course of time but still) and that is almost 1800 calories. Good luck!
  • mpf1118
    mpf1118 Posts: 28
    THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR GREAT ADVICE....JUST RETURNED TO THESE POSTS TODAY!! Isn't it funny when we get with family we just pig out and drink a ton....I am the same way!!
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